
Developing A Human Resource Strategy For Effective Job Performance

Decent Essays

Conceptual Framework
According to Bono and Judge (2003) there is no single approach to developing a human resource strategy for effective job performance. As a matter of fact, the specific approach will vary from organization to organization. Even so, the literature reviewed so far and a consideration of the organizational culture that pertains in the National Commission for Civic Education makes the model presented below an excellent approach. This conceptual model identifies six specific steps in developing an effective human resource strategy:
a) Setting the strategic direction
b) Designing the human resource management system
c) Planning the total workforce
d) Generating the required human resources
e) Investing in human resource development and performance
f) Assessing and sustaining organizational competence and performance Strategic direction
Strategic direction basically looks at the direction and outcomes that the organization seeks to achieve. It entails detailing out the overall policy framework of the organization (NCCE) with regards to its human resources. In setting these strategies key questions such us;
1. What the current strategy of the organization is.
2. How to achieve sufficiency and attain organisational goals in line with the set direction of its human resource strategies needs to be factored in setting the strategy direction.

Furthermore, particular attention must be given to social, economic, legislative, and technological and most importantly

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