
Dharma Espresso Report

Decent Essays

Good morning everyone, this is Dharma Espresso Last night, I visited San Jose and gave a talk to the people there. During the talk, I asked a man his name. He said it is Duc. I asked the audience whether they know him. No one raised their hands. Then I asked whether they know Ms. Minh Tam. Many hands shot up as almost everyone knows her in San Jose. It turns out that Mr. Duc is among those supporters, whom we may characterize as fans. They come to listen to Dharma talks, not to engage in other activities, nor do they get to know members of the Compassionate Service Society. Mr. Duc only knows me and came to my Dharma talk. Ms. Minh Tam is an active volunteer, contributing her services to the CSS, and seeking to provide help to many people.

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