The dietary composition has undergone drastic changes in the past decades, since the majority of the population started consuming the Western type diet. This diet is rich in refined products and fat but low in dietary fiber (DF)20. Refined and high caloric product are considered as unhealthy and the increased consumption of these products alongside with reduced physical activity is plausibly the explanation for the rapidly growing incidences of MetS. Dietary intervention has therefore becoming increasingly been a subject of discussion. Of special interest is dietary fiber (DF), since it is well established that DF consumption confers benefits to health and metabolism21,22. DF is metabolized by intestinal microbiota, which results in the generation …show more content…
In a similar fashion, the study from Yadav et al28 underscored the importance of butyrate via the transfer of the probiotic VSL#3 to mice with MetS. VSL#3 is a probiotic that is able to produce high amounts of butyrate. This transfer markedly reversed various symptoms of MetS. A favorable constitution of the intestinal microbiota is thus believed to be also a primary condition for maintaining healthy metabolism since it facilitates butyrate …show more content…
It should however be noticed that the mechanism by which the beneficial effects are realized, are poorly understood. There is possibility that butyrate is a direct signaling molecule in the periphery and for example interacts with receptors, since Ffar2 and Ffar3 have been identified as receptors for SCFAs32. It should however be noticed that the butyrate is given via the diet. Regarding the literature emphasizing SCFAs to induce satiety33,34, a reasonable presumption is that the beneficial effects are also mediated by food intake reduction. Supporting evidence for this statement comes from studies focusing on the relationship between DF consumption and induction of satiety, an effect which is suggestively mediated by SCFAs35-38. Until now, these effects have hardly been distinguished explicitly. Moreover, all experiments so far have only been reported on C57BL/6 mice, which metabolism is substantially different to that from
Treatment (Table 3) includes antibiotics, especially orally, with improvement of fat digestion and absorption [15]. Other treatment options are pre- and probiotics. Prebiotics are selectively fermented ingredients that promote specific changes in the composition and activity in the gastrointestinal microflora that will benefit the flora. They are not metabolized by pathogenic bacterial strains and induce a proliferation of the beneficial microbionts [20]. Probiotics are live bacteria that provide a positive effect on the inflammatory response of the gastrointestinal tract by improving the endothelial intestinal barrier, diminishing the bacterial adhesion, lowering the pH intraluminal and enhancing the production of nitrogen oxide [19, 20]. De Lisle et al. also showed a positive effect of laxativa and N-acetylcysteine. Mucus accumulation was reduced by 43% and 50% respectively with a
When offered palatable high-fat and high-sugar foods, in addition to chow, animals become hyperphagic66,67. Sated rats will still work for highly palatable fat and sugar26 suggesting that hyperphagia induced by palatable diets is likely the result of the hedonic properties of food and likely involves the mesolimbic DA system68-71. The melanocortin system appears to also be involved in the regulation of the response to high caloric density diets as POMC, MC3R, and MC4R null mice increase food intake and gain weight on high fat diet41,42,72. It is unknown, however, whether the melanocortin system interacts with the mesolimbic system to regulate behavioral responses to energy dense food. The goal of this experiment will be to determine if VTA MC3R knockdown increases feeding and weight gain in animals given unrestricted access to appetizing food. It has been suggested that melanocortins preferentially affect intake and motivation for fat73-76, although the effects on sugar intake and responding in self administration protocol have also been reported10,77. In these experiments, we will use macronutrient partitioned high fat high sugar (HFHS) diet which will allow for examination of the effects of VTA MCR knockdown on total intake as well as the intake of each dietary component. The use of this type of diet is advantageous because it allows for easy and reliable
During this week, I Edgar Burgos had to conduct a food intake for 3 consecutive days. This paper will describe my nutritional endeavor for the past three days. I will provide different aspects of my nutritional needs and an in depth analysis on how proteins fats carbohydrates and fiber take part in my everyday diet and what are these functions. This is intended to broaden my views of a healthy lifestyle, and how to achieve it through a variety of food groups.
The gut microbiome supplies the human host with metabolic capabilities beyond those encoded by its own genome (Khan et al., 2014). Because host metabolism is effectively regulated by the amalgamation of host and microbial genes (Khan et al., 2014), we should expect the gut microbiota to play a fundamental role in the health of its host. A compendium of research evidence demonstrates a compelling link between obesity and gut microbial composition. The connection between obesity and the gut microbiota is illustrated in the effects of diet on microbial diversity, the association of host genotype with microbial plasticity, the correlation of microbial diversity and metabolic disease, and the modulation of host metabolism by gut
Highlighting from the research publication, “A Prospective Study of Dietary Fiber Intake and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Women” from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers developed a food-frequency questionnaire assessing 39,876 female health professionals with no previous history of CVD or cancer to support the concept. Women were followed for an average of six years for incidence of various CVD or death confirmed by medical records or death certificates. Evidence from epidemiological studies suggests a strong inverse association between dietary fiber and coronary disease, high intakes of fiber and 20% to 40% in reductions to risk, as well as increased intake of fiber and reduction of plasma cholesterol. The data generally support current dietary recommendations to increase the consumption of fiber-rich whole grains and vegetables as a primary preventive measure against Cardio vascular disease.
In an experiment by Landgrave-Gomez et al., 95 rats were either allowed to eat ad-lib or TRF for 2 hours a day during their active phase. After 20 days, the TRF group gained significantly less weight than the ad-lib group. One reason for this is that the food consumption for the TRF group was significantly lower than the ad-lib group. Other research , , , , , testing TRF in rats or mice in 2-, 3-, and 4-hour timeframes had similar results. Gorgulu and colleagues had different results in their 8-week study using 20 lactating goats. The body weight change of the 4-hour TRF group was similar to the ad-lib group.
Changes that I would make among my vegetables, fruits, meat and meat alternatives and grain choices to increase my fiber intake would be to eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juice,
This article was to examine how the US government uses dietary guidelines for Americans and how the guidelines were supposed to help us eat and stay healthy. Diet and chronic diseases are sometimes connected. For example, it is proven that nutrient deficiency disease like scurvy can be cured by consuming the lost nutrients. However, it is also shown that some nutrient exposure can cause chronic illness such as energy, fats, sodium dietary fiber, and food exposures, etc. making it difficult to set dietary guidelines. In addition to some nutrient causing chronic diseases, nondietary factors such as stress, lack of exercise, smoking and other environmental factors are linked to causing chronic illnesses (Slavin, 2012).
This difference lied between the conjugated linoleic acid and the control breakfast (P = .049).1 Overall, both CLA and MCT can decrease and stall food consumption in comparison with a control. There were significant differences in the times for requesting lunch as well as the consumption of energy and macronutrient intakes. However, no significant differences were noted between the two test lipids in terms of consumption. It was shown that both lipids amplified satiety leading to a reduced energy level, ultimately discarding the previous thought that MCT, not CLA would increase satiety over the control.1 The study wasn’t able to discover a variance in satiety in regards to MCT and CLA, concluding that they were equal in terms of satiating.1 There were no significant differences between the two test lipids and the control in respect to intakes for the ad libitum lunch.1 The study’s takeaway was the two test lipids proved to increase satiety and reduce consumption in a 24-hour period and CLA
An offspring’s microbial composition is initially determined through maternal transmission in utero and during birth, however, after delivery, the microbiota is not fixed and may be changed by a multitude of environmental factors. The mode of delivery (vaginal or caesarean section), diet, and many other factors continue to play dynamic roles throughout an individual’s lifetime (Marques et al., 2010). Recent studies have indicated that maternal and neonatal nutrition significantly alter the epigenome of offspring, with the food consumed during pregnancy modulating the gut microbiota as well as the metabolites produced (Turnbaugh et al., 2009). Dietary intervention studies indicate that the diet sensitive nature of the gut persists throughout life, and that the gut microbiota often responds rapidly to changes in diet (Hullar & Fu, 2014). More specifically, dietary alterations modulate the exposure of the host to microbial metabolites (such as butyrate) which could have a multiplicity of epigenetic effects in the offspring (Duncan et al., 2007).
Eating foods high in fiber will help keep your colon clean and cut your risk of developing colon
During the three days of documented intake, my fiber consumption was only 24.3% of the daily recommendation. Fiber helps promote proper digestive functions, helps lower cholesterol, and helps in lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease. My intake was too low based on the recommended consumption, and according to the data, I should eat more foods that are rich in fiber. These can be insoluble fiber sources like wheat bran and nuts or soluble fiber sources like oats, beans, and apples. The only foods that provided fiber in my meals were the bagels.
Too much sugar and body fat can place you at a higher risk for AD. Blood vessels can become restricted due to stroke or from health conditions, such as obesity and diabetes. Metabolomics study by Dumas et al suggested that intestinal microbiota may similarly play an active role in the development of complex metabolic abnormalities, such as susceptibility to insulin resistance and fatty liver disease [75]. Subsequent examination of germ-free versus conventional mice on high-fat diet revealed that both insulin sensitivity and cholesterol metabolism are metabolic targets influenced by the intestinal microbiota [76]. Complementary clinical studies further demonstrated that elevated circulating levels of the gut flora metabolite within subjects
It has been postulated by some researchers that NNS may not be useful for weight management because these sweeteners could potentially stimulate appetite or fail to provide a feeling of satiety (3, b-1). This could lead to an increase in food intake and, over time, weight gain (b-1). One proposed mechanism by which this could occur is if NNS fail to elicit the secretion of gut peptides. Carbohydrates usually stimulate the release of gut peptides such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY) (3,a-1). However, as shown in a feeding trial by Steinert and colleagues (a-1), NNS have no effect on the release of these peptides as well as ghrelin, a peptide associated with hunger. The authors also reported that NNS had
PYY favorably binds to the neuropeptide Y receptor type 2 (Y2), highly expressed in the hypothalamus, which is recognized to be an essential for appetite control (Broberger et al., 2008). In rats, consumption of lactitol, a fermentable carbohydrate, dramatically augmented postprandial PYY plasma level, and reduced weight gain compared with control. However, in human, acute supplementation of lactitol was linked with a significant reduction of postprandial PYY drop at 5 hours and a trend to decreased appetite (Gee & Johnson, 2005). Moreover, following fermentable carbohydrates supplementation, increased plasma PYY and GLP-1 levels have been detected in rats (Zhou et al., 2008), and human individuals (Greenway et al., 2007). GLP-1 is released after food consumption (Elliott et al., 1993), has been revealed to delay gastric emptying (Nauck et al., 1997), and gut motility (Schirra et al., 2002) in humans, inhibit food intake (Turton et al., 1996). SCFA might control entire transit time of digesta throughout the intestine (Dass et al., 2007). Entire gut transit time was statistically associated with fecal SCFA concentrations especially butyrate (Lewis & Heaton, 1997). Also, butyrate administration via dietary supplementation stimulated energy expenditure and promoted mitochondrial function in mice (Gao et al., 2009). SCFA have been described to cause satiety and reduce food intake. In human, it was shown that the dietary