
Difference Between China and Canada Education

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Disadvantages of China’s Education comparing with Canada’s Education
A country’s economic system decides its education system. Since China and Canada have different economic systems, China is developing on a diversified ownership economy, while Canada is running its economy by pure capitalism. It is obvious two different education systems run in those two countries respectively. And from my personal experience and some hearing from my friends, I found five main disadvantages of China’s education comparing with Canada’s education.
First of all, theory disadvantage. Traditional Chinese teaching method is based on the principle of “rotate learning, skill comes”. Thus, students need to do a lot of practices everyday to get questions and …show more content…

Final exam score decides which direction you will go in the future. As a result, a lot of talented students who didn’t get good scores might lose their chances to go further. So, whether students, teachers or parents pay much more attention to scores than the actual ability they have got. Even though you didn’t regularly attend the class, hand in your homework on time, you can still get high mark on your final

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