
Difference Between Conflict And Conflict Theory

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1. A main difference between conflict theories and functionalist theories is that within conflict theory people understand society by the social problems we have from inequality while in functionalism, society is thought of as a system with many parts that have their own functions. Also, within functionalism there is a sense of unity and a general consensus for what behavior is appropriate; however, conflict theory supports the idea of social classes fighting for power and success. A functionalist society focuses on an equilibrium between social facts like the law and social institutions like school as well. Finally, people within functionalist societies are very interdependent. Conflict theory focuses on the inequalities of society, focus of power within the upper class, and evolves to solve their problems.
2. Marx explains stratification and inequality of power in society by first defining two classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie are the owners of production while the proletariat are the workers of production. He explains that the upper class use the members of the proletariat for their labor while paying them enough to survive on providing the proletariat with false belief that the upper class want to help the lower class. Now, Weber focused on stratification based on the three ideas of class, status, and party. Within status, people judge and relate to each other. Within class, it describes the differences of work in capitalism. Lastly, party is one’s views on politics. People of similar standings regarding their class, status and party facilitate groups based on sameness that exclude others resulting in inequality and biased views. Regarding the differences between Marx and Weber, Marx views society as only having two classes, Weber saw more than two different classes. Another difference is that Marx believed that a person’s wealth was based on how much they produced within a system while Weber said that the three factors of wealth, power, and prestige determines class. The final main difference would be that Marx viewed society with communist transformations in mind while Weber did not. According to Weber, power is determined by one’s ability to achieve goals without the support

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