
Difference Between Natural And Man Made Medicines

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Introduction In the beginning my first thought happened to be about exploring the difference between natural and man made medicines, however after spending some time researching I realized that it exceeded my knowledge, so the expansive topic soon came to a halt. Over the long weekend I considered new ideas, I knew that I still wanted to learn more about the human body and while procrastinating and watching Netflix I stumbled upon a movie entitled “The Business of being Born.” The movie informs and persuades women that the best way to deliver a child is through natural (vaginal) childbirths, considering hospitals and obstetricians do not always stick to the birth plan of the mothers and their original plan can easily disappear. After …show more content…

Lastly, more and more people become more health conscious so that has sprouted my curiosity about why they will take so much time in studying what workout plan that benefits their goal body the most, but not take the time to research the effects of what happens inside their bodies when they take medications, especially for a pregnant woman. What I found out The very first question addressed when I began this paper dealt with why so many women are opting to receive a cesarean section when a vaginal birth has many more favorable outcomes, so after doing some research I came across an article entitled “Cesarean section or vaginal birth- What difference does it make,” this article talks about the differences between a cesarean section and a vaginal birth and within the article a definite line is drawn between a safer choice of delivering naturally and the more burdensome surgery of having a cesarean section. Astonished I read that “ Despite all this, the vast majority of women would still prefer to have a normal, straightforward vaginal birth. However, the sad fact is the majority of modern mothers look back on their birthing experience negatively. Vaginal birth today is no longer the natural

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