
Digital Literacy Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

I was so amazed at the different outcomes that could result when one obtains any type of loan. I was not aware that the amount of the loan and the interest could impact someone's life so much because of the stress and time it would require. In the future I will consider the purpose and amount of a loan before I apply for it. This is because not only do I not want to spend so much time paying off a loan, but I also do not want so much debt under my name. This week I learned that money obtained from our future social security is not enough to cover our everyday lives. I realized how important it is to start saving for retirement at an early age. I am so glad that I started saving up for my retirement at the age of twenty. I feel that by being responsible now, I can benefit from it when I most need it. …show more content…

My definition of digital literacy became a little more complex than before. This is because I learned that with digital literacy one can improve themselves and protect themselves in many ways. Digital literacy helps us learn more about the world around us, but it also helps us become important assets to the community via education. Digital literacy helps us protect our reputation and personal

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