
Password Security Essay

Decent Essays

We have entered a time of transition when it comes to password security. For so long we have relied on passwords to be our walls of defense for our digital security. We have set passwords for our computer log in, when internet banking began to boom we created passwords for our banks, for our online shopping we began to create accounts with passwords. As time as password we have reached a point in 2017 the average business employee has 191 passwords stored on their computer according to researchers at Lastpass (1). As the number of passwords that each of us have has increased we have attempted to simplify passwords in all the wrong ways. We have shortened our passwords, so they are easier to remember. In fact at the moment the average …show more content…

One of the innovative solutions I have seen for this is brewing in the cryptocurrency sphere, a technology known as blockchain which was originally created as a digital ledger for tracking cryptocurrency is being moved from that sphere to a new form of authentication technology
However, before we begin with looking at how we can shift to a whole new setup we must look at our current trends of password security and our current paths. We humans are habitual creatures that are use to the ways of the password. Therefore, before we throw it all a way and start over again it’s important we do some soul searching when it comes to our current systems. I believe the best way to get a better understanding of our current path is to look at what are our current major issues we are trying to solve.
One of the first problems we are having with our current password systems is the fact many people are using the same password at different websites. This is not just a new phenomenon either in face researchers have found “According to a new report, nearly 3 out of 4 consumers use duplicate passwords, many of which have not been changed in five years or more.” (4) Our password system is broken, we have a majority of the world putting their banking details, private details, behind a system that they can’t keep up with. However, we have become accustom to it and have reached a place to where we are not questioning if this is the best solution become we have a false sense of security that

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