
Digital Technology And Its Impact On The Future Of A College Student

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As digital technology becomes more prominent in every facet of life, one is required to own more devices to enjoy all of the different aspects of it. A task analysis of a device that could combine all of these different devices into one (the home media multitasking interface or HMMI) has been accepted, and is attached in Appendix A for reference.
The report that follows is about prototyping, the next step in bringing the HMMI into existence. This will include two design proposals based on the previous research attached in Appendix A. After describing the proposals, one of them will be deemed viable and be chosen to move ahead to the prototyping stage. Sketches of the chosen prototype will be attached in Appendix B. Along …show more content…

After finding the optimal persona, the constraints of the project were discussed. These constraints were be framed as Design for X (DfX), in which “X” represented goals for the design. Constraints are very important to consider while designing because it gives the design team a clear framework to work under, which will save time and money in the long run. The constraints considered were cost, manufacturability and quality.
After deciding the persona and considering the constraints, potential users of the HMMI were surveyed about what features they would expect/like it to have in a user analysis. The user analysis concentrated on human factors that relate to the potential users of the HMMI, and from the participants of the questionnaire sent out, an idea of what students are be looking for in this device was gathered. Some of the answers were expected and already accounted for, yet some of the feedback was enlightening, and the ideas that were viable were added to the design ideas. Knowing what features to include, the team then did a task analysis on some of the high-level tasks that will be included in the HMMI. The team used a hierarchical task analysis (HTA) software called Task Architect to produce the task analysis. The HTA’s were completed to understand what types of subtasks are necessary for each of the required tasks. Basically, this step helped fill in the smaller details and logistics of the features that were acquired in the user analysis. After

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