
Dilemmas Of A Guidance Counselor

Decent Essays

INTRODUCTION Situation Analysis Handling the problems on issues that come along in life is not easy bulls eye to hit. Every day person encounter difficulties and problem issues that cannot ignore. Each one of us experience a dilemma on handling problems with strength self assurance and clear mind. If you work as a guidance counselor, or have been a counselor before, you would know the benefits of speaking with somebody on a one-on-one setting around certain issues that disturb one’s behavior. There is no shame in asking for a remedy or solution to a problem. Thus being in the profession of a Guidance Counselor/ Guidance Practitioner encased a challenge that we should be expert in those skills and to familiarize the process of techniques to guide the person who is in need. Counseling becomes the one great invention of the 20th century. It can contribute to improve a person, resolve crisis,lessen anxiety, have better realtionship and increase his/her ability to function better in his/her lives . To be assigned as a guidance practitioner/facilitator, this requires responsibility, It entails one to ask herself/himself “How can I help people?” With the trainings/practice and seminar attended and past experience I have is it enough to help? Applying what one has acquired during these experience …show more content…

The point after all of doing the responsibility and caring relationship of counseling can maximize the services we offer while maintaining ourselves. Being Guidance Counselors/ Fascilitator are not super heroes that can solve other’s problems immediately, however as we extent effort in trying to accomplish our desire to serve, their will be a great challenge on our profession. We tend to be dissatisfied if we fail to reach our goal as a Guidance Counselor/Facilitator

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