
Dilophosaurus: Meat Eating Dinosaur

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The Dilophosaurus was a meat eating dinosaur or carnivore. The name of the Dilophosaurus means “Double Crested Lizard” and was discovered by Sam Welles in Arizona, 1942. The Dilophosaurus got its name from the two crest parallel of each other going down its head and the size from head to tail was about twenty feet long and around six to five feet tall it also weight around one thousand pounds. It is believed to have a top speed from anywhere from fifteen to twenty miles per hour due to the powerful hind legs with three toes that were able to move. The Dilophosaurus had small front arms that also had three functioning fingers. The Dilophosaurus was almost as big and deadly as the carnotaurus. The Dilophosaurus was one of the earliest theropods

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