ASM 34 Administer medication to individuals and monitor effects (0/1)1.1 identify current legislation, guidelines policies and protocols relevant to the administration of medication (0/1)2.1 describe common types of medication including their effects and potential side-effects (0/1)2.2 identify medication which demands the measurement of specific physiological measurements (0/1)2.3 describe the common adverse reactions to medication, how each can be recognised and the appropriate action(s) required (0/1)2.4 explain the different routes of medicine administration(0/1)3.1 explain the types, purpose and function of materials and equipment needed for the administration of medication via the different routes (0/1)3.2 identify the required …show more content…
report findings and concerns as required. HSC 2007 Support independence in the task of daily living (0/1)1. explain how individuals can benefit from being as independent as possible in the tasks of daily living (0/1)2. explain how active participation promotes independence in the tasks of daily living (0/1)3. describe how daily living tasks may be affected by an individual’s culture or background (0/1)4. explain the importance of providing support that respects the
2.4)Describe ways to ensure that own interactions with individuals respect their beliefs, culture, values and preferences
Complete the following questions below and upload your responses in an rtf document to your clinical instructor (Gouldy, Denise) through WT class by 0800 Monday. The medications listed in “X” do not need to be uploaded but will be needed in the clinical setting (you may use the Med Sheet Template found in the OB folder to complete the information needed on the drugs).
Terminal Objective: Given a PowerPoint lecture, a field-level paramedic should be able to discuss different types of advance pharmacology without error.
09-2 Pharmagen . Answer the questions that are given below, not as given in the case text.
It is revealed that more mistakes are made in prescription and these mistakes associated with adverse drug reaction (ADR). To avoid prescription mistakes, in some health care settings pharmacist take that responsibility of correcting medication errors related with wrong drug, wrong dose, and prescription of allergic
8 Explain how this relates to the role of a facilitator – the facilitator should have a good understanding of their role through training and procedures to follow.
The pharmacy must have a consultation room to the standard required for MURs, class 3 weighing scales with 200g graduations calibrated regularly in accordance to manufactures instructions and a height measurer. Once written consent is given from the patient, the pharmacist will be required to fill the patient record form and record the following parameters; weight, height, BMI and waist circumference (optional). Discuss
1. explain how individuals can benefit from being as independent as possible in the tasks of daily living.
A conflict with any medication that the individual has or is previously taking. Ingredients that forms the medication are also examined vs. the ingredients of recent drugs to find out if they would clash with one another or if they would hamper the influence of the medication. Medications are also examined to see if there is duplicate therapy, which takes places when the individual is taking another medication in the same exact class and the medication could result in the individual having an overdose. Furthermore, allergy records are examined to see if the individual has food and drug allergies that could possibly be provoked by the new medication. The individual’s diagnosis is examined to make out if the individuals has a medical condition
1.1 Explain how individuals can benefit from being as independent as possible in the tasks of daily living
7.Compare the ratings of addictive drugs on the controlled drug standard. Give an example of each category.
1.describe the social, economic and cultural factors that will impact on the lives of children and young people (unit 7)
[Describe in a short paragraph how, in a recent conversation, your communication behavior contributed to your physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs. Which need or need took precedence? Why? Page 9]
According to the AARP (the American Association of Retired Persons), there are many different ways to screen a job applicant for a company. These include background checks, criminal background checks, credit reports, standard screening tests, and drug testing. Background checks include finding information to determine if the applicant is qualified for the job. This could include "education verification, review of work history, verification of Social Security number, and several other pieces of information" (AARP, 2012). Educational verification requires a signature by the applicant to allow potential employers to contact their past schools to verify that the information provided is true.
Something that I striven for along time was the consciousness of me obtaining my diploma. I seemed to of made mistakes with my schooling in middle school and had a few set backs. I chose to still keep going and obtain my diploma. I new it wasn't going to be easy and some days felt impossible but with great effort i knew i could do it. I fought my way up the grades. Honestly it wasn't that hard. I knew I had one more chance to do what so many of my family members haven't done, that was to achieve the goal of getting a diploma. I love the fact that GOD gave me another chance to achieve my goal. My strategy was to go through the grades with a full schedule. The busier that I am the faster the time goes by. This is why I played