
Dirt Diary Book Report

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Exposition- The exposition in Dirt Diary is modern day in a town where there are a lot of wealthy people and big houses. Characters- The Characters in the novel are Rachel Lee, Evan Riley, Briana Riley, Marisol, Mrs. Lee, and Mr. Lee. Rachel Lee is an eighth grader who is not very popular and only has one friend named Marisol. Rachel loves to bake and she is very good at it. Evan Riley is an eighth grader who goes to private middle school. He has a twin sister named Briana Riley. Briana Riley is an eighth grader and goes to Rachel’s middle school and she is a bit of a bully to Rachel throughout the book. Briana is also very popular. Her best friend’s name is Caitlin Schubert. Mrs. Lee is Rachel’s mom and loves cleaning and organizing so she started a cleaning business so she could make money by cleaning. Mr. Lee is Rachel’s dad and has just moved to California to start a scuba diving business. …show more content…

self. Rachel’s dad moved away so now her mom and dad are filing separation and Rachel is not happy about it. So she goes and buys a plane ticket to go see her dad but in order to do that she has to take money out of her college savings account. So she has to help her mom with her cleaning business in order to get the money she needs to make it look like she never took money out of her account in the first place. Rising Action- The first rising action in Dirt Diary is when Rachel meets Evan Riley. The next rising action is when Steve Muller pays Rachel to spy on Briana Riley and Rachel does it. The final rising action is when Rachel and Marisol have a fight that is their worst fight ever. Climax- The climax of Dirt Diary is that Rachel earns enough money to pay off what she took from her college savings

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