
Disability Rights Movement: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The article I read talked about the struggles for freedom within the disability rights movement. Prior to reading this article I never knew the depth of which individuals with disabilities struggled for freedom, I just assumed they had the freedoms we all do but had to work slightly harder. This article points out the aspects of lack of concern for disability and freedom, the minority status within disabilities, independent living movement for the disabled and how the disable handle work.
I was intrigued with how the disabled have joined forces to end discrimination in their lives recently to end discrimination in the United States. I learned that many did so by withholding their labor which in returned slowed down the democratic wheel and by networking to strengthen their demands (Bryan 2010). I question how these individuals did so without the expense of their jobs and needs being met. This was needed though, the lack of concern for the disabled was present in multiple congress bills that died in committee (Bryan 2010). As the author stated, which I do agree with, I feel this lack of concern was due to ignorance of the disables needs rather than the desire to deny civil rights (Bryan 2010).
I was surprised to learn that disabled people were not considered a minority group until recently. Rather, these individuals were viewed of as “disabled …show more content…

This was considered negative because of the individuals who cannot work regardless. I do not feel this is a negative way to look at rehabilitation for the disabled. I think there are many sufficient financial resources available to the disabled who cannot work. And for those who can work but need help getting there, that such rehabilitations could be life changing. I think that work is a big part of who a person is, and any help a disabled individual can get toward obtaining a job, the

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