
Disadvantages Of Globalisation

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Debates about globalisation and its effects are now central to the enterprise of IPE. The debate seems to be entering a more mature phase, which is reflected in the general acceptance that we live in an era of economic globalisation. However, the debate's vivacity determined the concept's bewildering variety of uses. For its proponents it is an irresistible and desirable force sweeping away frontiers, overturning despotic governments, undermining taxation, liberating individuals and enriching all it touches. For its opponents, it is a no less irresistible force, but undesirable. This essay will examine the underlying question of whether the economic globalisation determines the end of the states' capacity to rule. It will be argued that the global economic integration is unlikely to compel the end of states and that its capacities remain central. Firstly, this essay will outline the theoretical framework of the term 'globalisation' on which it will be built. It will then go on to discuss the visions and critics posed by both globalisation proponents and opponents, namely the ones concerning states' autonomy and capacities in the present era of global capital markets. Finally, it will investigate the three major functions of the state that cannot be played by any other actor, proving that states' activities remain a central feature. According to Hirst and Thompson (1999, p.xiii), 'globalisation has become the new grand narrative of the social sciences' and a catchphrase for a

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