
Disadvantages Of Training Programme Evaluation

Decent Essays

Evaluation of training programmes may be defined as the detailed analysis of the training programmes to find out if the aims, goals and objectives of the program have been achieved in a productive and efficient manner. The advantages of evaluation of training programmes includes being able to determine the needs of the learners, if the training programme goals, aims, strategies, delivery process, course outline and objectives have been met and achieved, it also helps in improving future training programmes that are being planned and if the organisation is giving the appropriate training to the right people to increase productivity in the organisation.

The Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation Model is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training that has been set by the organisation for the workers. It consists of four levels namely reaction, learning, behaviour and results. According to Figure 1.1, the first level in the model is reaction which is the reaction and involvement of the learner for the training programme. Level two is learning where the skills and knowledge learnt at the training are being used correctly. Level three is behaviour that focuses on the behavioural adjustment and the furtherance after one applies the …show more content…

Learning at Medsup is measured by observing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the learners before and after the training. A training about how to use laptops and computers and their importance in the day to day activities of the trainers should have a result of people who are knowledgeable in using the different applications in the computer unlike before the program. The sales people at Medsup use computers to outsource for leads, administration uses the computer to generate invoices and most of their administration work, the accounts department use computers to do their book keeping and generate clients statement so as to push for

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