The mother is shocked for the disappearance of Ethan Because she was not expecting something like that to happen. For her it was something that destroy their family bonding for a couple of years. She was really shocked on hearing that her son was nowhere to be found, that he is probably dead and that there were no way to find his body. She could not bear the fact that he was no more. Philip was shocked because that day he brother did not seem like somebody that would disappear. He feels like Ethan disappearance was his fault because that day Ethan asked him to come with him but he couldn’t because he had his bird class to attend to. He feels like if he did go with Ethan maybe Ethan would still be here, maybe nothing of this would have …show more content…
They both are really hurt about the disappearance of Ethan, one feels like it's more his fault while the other feels terrible because it is his son. They also have some unsimilarity here. One of them is the mother and the other is the brother, the mother feels more upset because it's her son, and losing a son is like losing yourself, it's one part of you that disappear, while the other isa brother and a friend that disappear.
The mother is isolating from other people because she feels really bad about what happened to Ethan, she can’t bear the fact that her son is dead. so therefor she spend her time reading, cooking at night, sleeping in the morning. she also have some trouble sleeping at night.
Philip isolated from how he feels about Ethan disappearance, he hides he’s feeling from everybody else, he tries to be a support to his sisters, Ethan girlfriend, parents.
They have no similarity in the way they are Isolating, the only similarity they have is the way they both feel about Ethan disappearance. They really the only two people that suffer a lot from Ethan disappearance mainly because Ethan is a son, and it’s normal for a mother to be suffering from Her son disappearance,no parents would like to see they kids die before them and the reason why Philip is suffering from Ethan disappearances because Ethan was his brother and Ethan was also his
Secondly, Ethan Frome has had many failures within his life such as his marriage to Zeena. One may ask how is Zeena and Ethan’s marriage a failure? Ethan only marries Zeena after she could not nurse his mother back to health and she ends up passing away. When Ethan mother dies, Ethan is in a sullen mood or funk and in turn
He turns everything into clues that he hopes will lead to an explanation for Ethan’s disappearance. When Melissa tells him about “time doorway,” he starts to find that time doorway too. When he hears that Victoria is moving to Sister, Oregon, he immediately determines that Victoria is meeting with Ethan there. His belief keeps him blind from reason. He doesn’t think about his brother’s personalities. He should have known better; his brother would not do something like this. Ethan would not just go without planning or saying goodbye because Ethan loved everybody in his family. When Philip finds out about Melissa’s abortion and Ethan’s affair with Victoria, he is supposed to keep these secrets. But when he gets a chance to talk with Melissa and Victoria, he can’t stand to ask them. This has not just embarrassed Melissa and Victoria, it also upsets them. This shows that he still deals with his loss in the wrong way. He turns himself into an annoying and bad-mannered person.
Ethan and Mattie can only have a loving relationship if Ethan can handle the challenges his relationship faces.Ethan knows that he and Mattie can never have a successful relationship with Zeena in the way. Therefore, Ethan develops a plan where he and Mattie can be together forever, but for it to succeed Ethan must be implicit. The plan entails Ethan and Mattie boarding a sled and riding into a tree, thereby ending their lives together. Ethan’s love is so strong at this moment, but it does not last. Ethan has a moment of weakness and pictures his wife’s face in his head, and that moment of weariness interferes with Ethan’s entire plan. As Wharton writes, ”But suddenly his wife’s face, with twisted monstrous lineaments, thrust itself between
One of the most important themes in the book ‘Ethan Frome’ is one way or another you reap what you sow. Many tragedies occur in the life of Ethan Frome time to time and although some are inevitable , other just simply occur because of his actions and mistakes. From the initiation , Ethan was surrounded by illness and in the end of the book he was forced to watch for his wife and wife’s disabled cousin. Nonetheless , Ethan Frome suffered all around for his actions.
In season one episode four Philip's Banks( the head of the households) parents visit for the weekend when he wins a prestigious award. However they inadvertently reveal his embarrassing country roots, which Philip has really tried hard to erase from his life.
Philip has a mental problem. One society has given him. Philip Cares too much about what other people think. Or at least he started to after he met another boy named Brody. Brody is the kid that changed Philip.
On the island, Philip starts out by relying on Timothy. Timothy tries to make Philip do something but fails. On day Timothy asks Philip to make some mats, but Philip says no and that Timothy is stupid. Timothy hits Philip and at that point, Philip begins to change. He uses his other senses too. He begins to do things by himself like fishing, climbing coconuts trees, and other simple things like walking around the island. At the same time, he sees that he was wrong and that color, background, and others things are not what you judge people by. After that, Philip and Timothy become good friends pg.
She respected his knowledge and authoritative figure unlike his wife, Zeena. Yet Ethan’s masculine pride and feelings of guilt (as he was a married man) stopped him from relaying his feelings to anyone which caused him to become obsessive. This same pride had caused his emotional separation with Zeena in the years of their marriage as his nature of keeping to himself had prompted Zeena to become self-absorbed which again triggered her hypochondriacal nature. This explains why Ethan’s focus on Mattie had angered Zeena as she caught on to Ethan’s feelings for Mattie (Wharton 26). After this discovery, Zeena and Mattie had a difficult relationship which caused Ethan to dislike his wife. Henceforth, the main conflict of the book was resolved when Ethan secretly revealed his feelings to Mattie after the thought of her forced departure upset
After that, she’s not able to believe that her sister committed suicide and so she wants to prove that they killed her, and so she put aside everything and just concentrate on that, and so that causes her relationship with her boyfriend of ten years come to an end. Also after the accident for Felix, she sees it as her responsibility to take care of
The protagonists distance from her mother is due to the lack of respect for her mothers work, and dislike of the responsibilities that she carries. Her dislike of her mother’s responsibilities and the desire to be apart from her because of them is vital to her character, her mother’s portrayal of a hard-working yet unrespected woman: “She did not often come out of the house unless it was to do something […] hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden” (Munro 4). This creates the perfect situation to express how little girls can turn away from their mothers due to their dislike of their responsiblities. The interactions between the protagonist and her mother symbolise how girls can slowly drift away from their mother because of the
Her private life and emotions are affected by her feeling like she killed her mom, by her dad’s new girlfriend (Shelly), and raging hormones. She feels as though she killed her mother, because her mother died giving birth to her. She is a hypochondriac who thinks that she is going to catch something from all the deceased people around her. She has an ill grandmother she has to keep an eye on regularly.
In the exposition, Phillip’s personality brings forth his ignorant and unknowing spirit. For example, In chapter two it reads, “So I packed with her help, and said goodbye to Henrik van Boven and the other boys.” (Taylor 25). The quotation not only shows his innocence, but it also shows that he needs help from his mother to pack. This line is significant for the plot because it shows how young and naive he is.
After being pressured to earn a hefty income by his family, he makes the decision to turn in his boss, Alfio Marullo, into the authorities for being an illegal immigrant. Marullo gave Ethan so many things such as easter gifts for the kids, a job at the grocery store, and eventually the store itself. Regardless of these gifts, Ethan still lets his greed and selfishness get the best of him and sacrifices his friend for his own benefit. This is where readers first get a glimpse of Ethan’s self-serving nature. He justifies his betrayal by claiming that he did not scheme up an evil plan, but rather he “watched it grow and only guided it with the lightest touch” (Steinbeck 187). No one knows his involvement in Marullo’s deportation which makes Ethan conjure up the idea that “no crime is committed unless a criminal is caught” (Steinbeck 187). He does not recognize the extent of his terrible decisions and soon causes a domino effect of unfortunate situations. His actions consequently lead to him to provide the town drunk and long time friend, Danny Taylor, the option of suicide. He provides funds to Danny to sober up but deep down Ethan knows what the money is actually for, Danny’s death. Before anyone knew that Danny is deceased, Ethan recognizes that “Danny was gone [he] knew Danny was gone” (Steinbeck 153). Danny’s death altered the presence of Ethan’s
Ethan went through isolation because Zeena was very sick. And she was not as active as she was, she was just always in the bed. And she never spoke to Ethan
The characters not only form a love triangle, but they each need something from each other to function properly. This vicious circle of dependency starts when Ethan’s dreams of leaving Starkfield altogether disappear because of the death of his father and his mother’s illness. Due these circumstances Ethan is forced to return to his hometown, where his ill mother resides and now he has to leave his desired life behind and take care of the household. Since he cannot do these things all by himself his cousin Zenobia (Zeena) comes to help and starts taking care of his ill mother. Before the arrival of Zenobia the nature of the small town had started to take on its tool on Ethan’s mentality and upon her arrival he saw her as his saviour from being alone in