
Discuss the Similarities and Differences Between Any Two Societies. in Your Answer, Make Reference to the Role of Cultures, Norms, Values and Inequality in Social Organization.

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Discuss the similarities and differences between any TWO societies. In your answer, make reference to the role of cultures, norms, values and inequality in social organization.

There are many similarities and differences between the cultures of Japan and Britain, this essay will look at some of these including religion, education, norms, values and inequalities in their social organizations. According to Google’s public data there are 127, 817, 277 people living in Japan compared to 62, 641, 000 living in Britain. (Google, 2011)
There are two main religions in Japan, Shinto and Buddhism. These religions do not play a big part in everyday life, although the Japanese do follow religious rituals at ceremonies …show more content…

Blowing their nose at the dinner table is also seen as bad mannered. Foods such as rice and fish are the main dishes to be eaten in Japan and have been for over 2000 years, whereas a Sunday Roast is the most traditional dish in Britain, containing meat and vegetables. (Japan Guide, 2012) Norms such as crossing the street in Britain pretty much wherever we like would not be acceptable in Japan, they are expected to wait until a signal indicates to them they can cross, even if there is no traffic around. During meetings, the Japanese tend to close their eyes when they are listening to the speaker to show concentration, in our society this would come across as rude and impolite. Physical contact in Britain which can be regarded as normal such as hugging or touching ones arm during conversation is rather uncommon in Japan as they perceive this as an invasion of their personal space. Unlike British society, the Japanese call each other by their surnames followed by ‘san’ as this is seen as very polite which courtesy and good manners are important to the Japanese society. To call them by their first names as we do in our society would be looked upon as bad mannered. (Bosso.D,)
Japanese males are expected to lead their households. The structure of the family has historically been patriarchal, their social roles are to be the primary decision makers and income earners in the

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