In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Distinct path of Angels, Satan and Adam
From the story of creation of Adam, Allah wants to impart wisdom and knowledge to human beings to choose the path of life and know the consequences of their choices.
Human beings and the Jinn have been endowed with freedom of choice and the Angels have no freedom of choice. Human beings are created of clay, the Jinn from fire and the angels from light.
Path of the Angels
Allah commanded an act to do. Allah commanded the angels and the Jinn to prostrate before Adam, Angels listened, submitted to the command of Allah, accepted and obeyed His orders without questioning.
The angels listened to Allah’s command and obeyed.
Wa samiana wa athana
We listen and we obey
The angels chose the path of submission and unconditional surrender.
From among those mankind and Jinn’s who listen and submit to Allah’s command and prostrate are Muslims.
Path of Iblis -Satan
Allah asked to do an act, Iblis, Satan (from among the Jinn) denied to act on the command of Allah, he rejected, resisted and refused to listen and obey the Command of Allah. Iblis or Satan is the label, identity or name from among the men and Jinn’s who deny to listen to the command of Allah and choose to listen to their logic and reason, thus become rebellion /kafir (denier) or rejecter or rebellion or the denier of the Truth (un-believer)
The Satan exercised the freedom of will granted by Allah and chose an
Satanism is a topic that has been misunderstood for many generations. Lavey is someone who started to do a church of satanism in San Francisco. There has been many problems involving if Lavey, the maker of the church, should actually even have the church present in San Francisco. People were against this due to the stereotypes and criticism they would get from the Christians, who would mainly criticize the satanic church views on beliefs and religion. In reality the church of Satan does not only worship Satan, it can focus on your own beliefs in religion. Lavey gets his conflicts signing the petition for gaining the public church of Satan from the catholic church and Christians. Lavey went into a compromise and talked with the meyer of San Francisco to get permission to gain the church in the city that way he can have it shared with the public. The christians were against with that idea, but Lavey tries to prove that it wasn’t really necessary towards discriminating the world and worshiping Satan like how the Christians think. It focuses mainly on benefiting themselves without causing any harm towards others who can oppose them.
Man's knowledge of good and evil gives us the power to rule the world any way we please. A God or Gods no longer have control. Once Adam, who represents the life of the human race, took a bite from the fruit of the tree of knowledge man's fate was sealed. This knowledge insured, "Man was born to rule the world" (165).
Here Satan, the Yetzer ha-Ra and the angel of death are the same personality. In times of danger he brings accusations. Although he has power over all the works of man, he cannot triumph over two people of different nationality at the same time. This is why a noted astronomer, physician and teacher of the Law, Samuel, would only travel when accompanied by a Gentile. The belief was that Satan's knowledge disappears when the shofar is blown on New Year's Day. Because the numerical value of the letters of his name only adds up to 364, one day (the Day of Atonement) a year his power vanishes.
According to Paley are commanded by God when we feel obligated to do something that is given by a divine motive. We can figure out what is a divine motive because a divine motive would not hinder the entrance into heaven. This is a decent claim, but it is unsuccessful because of the two reasons discuss. The first reason being other monotheistic Gods like the Islamic God and the second reason being feeling a divine motive to do reprehensible things such as mass killings in the name of
A Muslim could be anybody who believes in Allah and the Prophet Mohammed as his messenger. Men and women do not pray together, men gather in one place, usually at the front of the praying site and women pray at a different place behind them. They do it this way out of respect for women as Muslims believe women could be a distraction since men and women kneel several times during prayer. It is a custom for Muslims to pray five times throughout the day, they believe this will help them stay away from doing unholy acts as they have to pray at a certain time regardless of where they are. If prayer is done five times during the day they will have thoughts of Allah which will help them stay away from committing sins.
We do this because God gave us the knowledge and freewill to do so. Robert Krieg said that “a human person possesses in principle at least seven facets” (5). In searching for the meaning to be human, knowledge and free will is two of the seven facets. The reason why God doesn't just tell us what being human means is because he wants us to look for the meaning with what he gave us. When we want to know something we spend our time searching for it, for us wanting to know the purpose of life and the meaning of being human we spend our time searching. When we searching for this it draws us closer to God. God gave humans life, in understanding what it means to be human and the meaning of life we find who God is and why he created us. Then who is God? From the stories in the bible, they tell us that God is the creator of man and earth, that he is eternal love, and that he is the truth. To fully understand this we need to have a divine-human relationship. The nature of divine-human relationship simply means to have a relationship with God. In searching for what it means to be human we grow in our relationship with God. And when our relationship with God grows, this is when you can truly understand why he created
The idea of Satan is linked to the Babylonian Exile/Captivity due to the influences that Babylonian culture had on the Hebrew people. This includes the evil spirits and demons in Babylonian belief and resentment towards Babylonians for the destruction of the First Temple/ the exile of the Hebrews in Babylonia. Satan is an evil spirit who fights against god and his people, belief in him and his stance against god stems from the mistreatment of the Jewish people by Babylonians which was seen as a stance the Babylonians took against Yahweh. The religion of the conquering people also influenced the idea of Satan in Judaism and is evident by the similarities that Babylonian evil spirits share with the many depictions of Satan in Jewish belief.
“Mankind was created in the image of God.” (Genesis 2:15-17) Being created in the image of God makes us moral beings; with the ability to decide between right and wrong. According to Noebel “Christian morality is founded on the conviction that an absolute moral order exists.” The differences between right and wrong is absolute as defined by God, not mankind’s view of right and wrong by mankind’s perspective.
At creation, God made man with a clear plan and purpose in mind. HE defined what the man could become, where the man would stay and set some bounds for the man that would enable him live and fulfil God’s original plans and purposes. He appointed a place for the man, He appointed him a wife, appointed him what food would be good for his health, He blessed the man, He gave the man power, and He appointed responsibilities for the man to undertake. All these were done and completed before he created man. In order words, the purpose of creating man was already completed before man was actually created. How tall the man would be, his career, vocation, marital life, children, his parents and so on were already settled before he was formed.
Repulsive. Appalling. Deplorable. Satan’s goal is to draw the spirits of man away from God by manipulating them with his deceitful words. In the garden of Eden, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the garden—an action they were instructed not to do by God himself. Despite God’s command, Satan successfully managed to convince Eve into eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. And thus sin was brought into the world. Satan is responsible for the sin felt by humans today. Since then, a plethora of characters in history prove to be devils themselves. Adolf Hitler manipulated the German population into supporting the mass slaughter of millions of Jewish residents with his ranting, raging eloquence. Joseph Stalin fixated on
Another method of characterisation is the way the York Play archetypes Eve as the direct cause of the fall of mankind, which from a performative perspective would have appealed to medieval audiences as the misogynistic sentiment throughout general society was all encompassing. Through his thoughts the audience is made aware of Satan’s plans to deceive Eve as his next victim, so from revealing his intentions, it is assumed that women must be innately deviant in order to attract Satan. This perspective is fulfilled through repetition as a means of juxtaposing Satan and Eve. An example is a repetition of "byte on boldly" as they parallel one another through using similar language perpetuating the idea that Eve has already come under his influence.
wants us to use our wisdom and our talents that is why he gave them to
Another important theme that is consistent in the “Signs of the unseen” is the annihilation of the ego as the only path to enlightenment and love. Rumi says that “With God, there is no room for two egos”. In order to become a true follower, one has to give up his ego and subject himself to God. Rumi’s writing style is such that he provides multiple anecdotes along with a concept to enhance comprehension and perception. In this particular case, he puts forth the example of the inability of two birds to fly when they are tied together. However, if a dead bird is tied to a living one, it will be able to fly since there is no duality. Likewise, man cannot attain eternal love and spiritual satisfaction unless he gives up his ego to follow the commands of the God whole heartedly. It is the ego that prevented Satan from appreciating God’s
God will give us His wisdom so that we may find joy in our trials, so we may find the perspective we need to make a big decision, and so we can be further equipped to do the work He has called us to carry out.
Since it’s conception, Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses has created a slew of controversy, receiving bounds of both praise and animosity. The novel, that in one aspect depicts the perversion of religion and morality (namely the perversion of Islam), was intended to mainly personify the conflict of human metamorphosis. Because of it’s heavy and ambiguous message much of the Muslim world has interpreted the novel as a personal attack on the Islamic religion, identity and culture despite the fact that Rushdie has denied this claim several times and even apologized for the misunderstanding. Contrary to the design of the author, The Satanic Verses, regarded as one the most banned books of all time, has created serious sociopolitical complications within and between major countries because of its offense to Islam and violent effects within the international Islamic community.