
Diversity In The Classroom: Video Analysis

Decent Essays

After watching the first minute of the video, my response was just absolutely baffled. I could not fathom as to why a teacher would cause her students to become so discriminatory against one another. I could not understand what she could possibly hope to prove by allowing such bullying and discrimination to occur in her classroom. Even knowing that this was an exercise implemented to help teach students about diversity, I could not put the pieces of the exercise together and see how it can transform minds until the exercise was completely over. After the teacher talked through the exercise with her students, I finally understood and found myself realizing how this is still a lesson worth teaching in today’s classrooms. During the progression of the video, I found myself becoming progressively more in agreeance of the usefulness of this exercise in all situations of daily life. It should be a necessity to have schools, businesses, households, etc. use this lesson to teach not only …show more content…

We are all human; like the teacher explained around 16:15, we do not judge people based on their appearance but how they are on the inside. I know that each of my students will have their differences, whether it is race, ethnicity, background, family situation, learning ability, etc. so it is best to teach against these prejudices to help all of my students feel like they are safe. Many different tests have proven that students’ academic abilities do indeed drop when being discriminated against whether in or out of a classroom. When the student no longer feels demoralized and humiliated and rather feels safe among friends, the students’ academic ability raises dramatically. If all students feel at home within my classroom, then perhaps our academic ability will grow to reach outstanding heights and each student will be able to reach and use their full

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