
Divisive State Primaries

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In the article "National Party Division and Divisive State Primaries in U.S. presidential Elections” the main focus is on the affiliation that divisive state primaries and general elections and their affect on presidential campaigns and state campaigns. In order to measure the influence of divisiveness in presidential campaigns, it is crucial to find the level of impact national party division and divisive primaries in individual states. Thus, it was through the comprehensive model that the authors were able retrieve the state result in presidential campaigns from both state and national level. One of the main arguments in the article is whether national-level or state-level divisiveness has a greater impact on state-level results in presidential …show more content…

It was found that national party divisions are typically ran by elites that worked together to unite divided parties to participate together in the hopes of the party winning the presidency. Having a diverse set of candidates does not imply that the party is divided although it could worsen existing disunions. Measuring national party division was crucial in the research; in the 1970s delegate votes at the national convection gave an approximate measure of divisiveness. One way that national party division can be measured is by the proportion of convention votes through the Democratic nominee without the corresponding proportion for the Republican nominee. This delegate-based measure is for the most part based on party activist, in which are picked by the presidential campaign by the partisan voters. On the other hand, another manner to measure is by aggregate primary vote that is comparing the proportion of the national primary won by the two nominees. Moreover, to measure the impact national party division has they used convection votes and aggregate primary vote to portray that the substantive conclusion does not rely on how the variable is measured (12). Although there is no precise or best way to put to use state level primary divisiveness it is clear that in presidential campaigns, a divisive state primary the electorate rather have a candidate than the eventual nominee. Thus, this type of divisiveness can be measured by the proportion of the vote for the candidate other than the final nominee. Another approach would rely on the competitiveness of the primary, which is measure by a vote margin of the two leading candidates in the

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