
Documented Fat Shaming For A Week Summary

Decent Essays

I have chosen to do my paper about an article which reflects some of my own struggles. The article I chose is called, “Here’s What Happened When 50 Women Documented Fat Shaming for a Week”. It is an article about fifty women who documented their daily negative social encounters which were related to their weight. I am not obese medically, but everyone has those days where they look in the mirror and can only see an elephant in their reflection. I will be discussing Conflict theory as the primary paradigm in this article.
Conflict theory applies predominately in this article mainly because of the strain/conflict these women face living their daily lives in society. Every girl from a young age understands what type of body society wants us to have. They want us to have a small frame, long legs, perfect hair, an ample bosom, no cellulite or stretchmarks, etc... The expectation is for us to be living Barbie dolls. Conflict Theory states that the values and norms of society are in the best interest of those most powerful. To be socially accepted in our society you must be clothed, which makes the fashion industry our “ruler”. They create the rules, the …show more content…

If that paradigm were true to this article, then those women would not have had to document their lives. There would not be body image revolutions happening if much of society agreed with the “standard” image of women. These women would have experienced collective conscience. They would have shared the same belief with society on body image which would create social solidarity; however, those women felt dissatisfaction with themselves which leads to dysfunction in a society. Many women may see the manifest function of fashion industries is to provide us with socially excepted clothing, however many don’t see the latent function as trying to conform women to have their “ideal” body

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