
Does Hamlet Love Ophelia

Decent Essays

Hamlet’s Love for Ophelia
Deep down Hamlet always loved Ophelia even though he said crude things to her. His actions throughout the play could be seen as hateful but he is just trying to protect her from getting involved in the corruption of the King and his revenge plan. Hamlet is trying to outsmart everyone and by showing that he doesn’t love Ophelia it’s just another way to throw everyone off. We see these actions through his speech and the context of how and when he speaks to her.
The biggest encounter Ophelia has with Hamlet is when he comes to her in the courtyard. One of the things Hamlet says to Ophelia is, “Get thee (to) a nunnery” (Shakespeare III.I.131). In this scene, it seems like Hamlet could be mocking Ophelia and telling her to go away. Right after he says this he …show more content…

I. 131-32) this could have multiple meanings, he could be telling her that she is poison and she shouldn’t have children but I don’t believe this to be true. Ophelia and Hamlet have had a love past and Hamlet has sent her tokens of his affection. There could be a possibility that Ophelia is going to have Hamlet’s child, if this is true then Hamlet could be trying to tell her to get herself to a safe place and look out for herself. Hamlet defiantly has had feelings for Ophelia in the past in act III scene I, line 125 Hamlet says, “I did love you once.” He does say a few lines later that he doesn’t love her but he knows that they’re being watched and by saying he doesn’t love her it’s his way of deceiving Polonius and the King. When he asks Ophelia where her father is she responds that he’s at home and then Hamlet responds by saying, “Let the doors be shut upon him that he may play the fool nowhere but in’s own house” (III. I. 144-45). In this

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