
Does Skinny Equal Beautiful? Essay

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Does Skinny Equal Beautiful?

What constitutes a woman as beautiful? Is it a genial personality? That might have been an appealing trait in the years past, but these days a woman must be unsightly skinny to be considered beautiful. In years past, a woman with a little meat on their bones was considered attractive. This has caused the female race a great deal of distress. Every female has a desire to be seen as attractive. She wants to be received well by society. Women are being driven to take drastic measures for approval. Females will do anything to be skinny so that they are socially accepted as beautiful, even if that means putting their health in jeopardy.

There are many determinants for this conviction in society. …show more content…

Anorexia is one of the most prominent eating disorders in modern day society. Anorexia is basically another word for starvation. Women either eat very little or even nothing at all to lose weight. A person with anorexia is terrified of becoming fat. She feels fat even when she is under weight. The menstrual cycle also ceases to exist and a woman often becomes very irritable. It becomes difficult to cope with change, new situations, and growing up and attaining mature responsibilities. Females often become dependant on their parents or significant others. They often experience insomnia and a diminished interest in sex as well. Anorexia is very dangerous. People who are suffering from anorexia never feel skinny enough and they continue to lose weight in an unhealthy manner. They experience palpitations, dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, poor concentration, chest pain, and coldness of extremities. Anorexia frequently leads to hospitalization.

Bulimia is another prominent eating disorder in modern day society. Bulimia was only diagnosed as its own eating disorder in the 1980's. A person with bulimia binge eats. They eat a large quantity of food and then vomit, misuse laxatives or exercise excessively. When excessive vomiting occurs, the stomach acids can permanently damage the esophagus. It is often done secretly and goes unnoticed because females with bulimia

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