
Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism

Decent Essays

Terrorism is nothing new to the U.S. as terrorists have taken lives inside of the country from the Oklahoma City bombing and the first attack on World Trade Center in 1993. Even back in the 1970s the U.S. saw attacks from a group call the Weather Underground. However, the motivation and reasoning for terror attacks from groups such as the Weather Underground and Al-Qaeda are often quite different and often so is the type of terrorism. Two of the most commonly known types of terrorism are international terrorism and domestic terrorism. At times, it may be easier to figure out the group or act that falls as either domestic terrorism or international terrorism. However, not all terrorist or terrorist acts are as easy to classify, such as the case …show more content…

However, some of the planning and training for the 9/11 attacks occurred in the U.S., and the acts were carried out in the United States. It could be debated that the 9/11 attacks are partially domestic terror actions since the attacks had some planning and training in the U.S. along with the attacks occurring inside the borders of the United States. However, since the planning first occurred in a foreign country and was funded and promoted by an international terror organization, it fell in the category of international terrorism. “The 9/11 hijackers were foreign nationals who acted inside the territorial United States. However, as they planned, trained and initiated their terror outside the United States, they could have been prosecuted as international terrorists” (Tabman, …show more content…

In the days that followed, a police officer would be killed, and a shootout with law enforcement would leave one terrorist dead and another in police custody. The Boston Marathon Bombers as they are now known emigrated from Chechnya to the United States. One of the bombers girlfriends had reported an increased interest in radical Islam and that he had issues fitting into his new country(DHS,CIA,DOJ, 2014).Tamerlan Tsarnaev left the United States in January of 2012 to take a trip to Russia, a trip that alerted the Russian FSB(DHS,CIA,DOJ, 2014). The FSB believed Tamerlan Tsarnaev to be a concern for terrorism and informed the American CIA and FBI. However, the Boston bomber was allowed to return to the U.S. and passed an interview with the FBI as a possible

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