
Domestic Violence Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Above all, a child’s first need is to feel secure and safe from harm. This should always include having parents or guardians that protect them and a home that is free of violence. A child’s home should be a safe sanctuary for him or her when things are going wrong outside of the home. Unfortunately this is not the case for many children, who are exposed to domestic violence each year. A child does not have to see the abuse to feel the effects. (Public Fact sheet Domestic Violence). Hearing the abuser make threats, parents fighting and the victim crying from another room has just as much impact on their mind as observing the actual violent act. (Schecter & Edelson 10).When domestic violence is witnessed in the home it teaches the child that manner of …show more content…

Individuals, who get into domestic disputes in front of their children not only damage and bruise their children but also the generations to come.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. Domestic violence is called domestic abuse; battering or family violence is defined as the pattern of abusive and threating behaviors that may include emotional, verbal, mental, physical, economic and sexual violence as well as isolation, coercion and intimidation. There are many ways that children can experience the abuse and be affected by the abuse. Some children who are raised in violent households learn that no one can be trusted. Often times it can destroy their courage to find someone that they can love and trust. They are not just eye witnesses to abuse. These children are actively involved in trying to understand the abuse find out what triggers the abuse, predict when it will happen, protect their mother, their sibling or themselves and worry about the consequences. Children who are exposed to violent acts in their homes live in fear and stay on guard, waiting for something else terrible to happen. (Achenbach & Edelbrock 1983). Younger children are more vulnerable in feeling anxious and fearful at all times. They have

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