
Donald Black 's Concept Of Self Help Behavior

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Donald Black’s concept of self-help behavior is carried out when groups experience intentional unfairness at the hands of others, therefore the oppressed group tries to even the score—by obtaining some type of justice. The powerless do in fact express their grievances though socially silenced. In relation to the I, Am Too documentary and its student portrait series, the oppressed group (those of African-American or Black descent) are getting back at their bullies (non-Blacks) by stating their resilience to not be ostracized on Harvard’s campus because of the depth of their skin color. The various Black students stated how their fellow students (non-Blacks) asked questions or made statements that could seem quite hurtful. Either if the questions judged the students’ academic rigor, cultural affiliation, or socioeconomic status as to why they were admitted into Harvard University, the students were attacked individually and ethically. One of the most significant takeaways from the video is the infamous attention that Black students draw in when they’re made the spokesperson for their entire culture of people. As if they should be able to summarize the feelings and emotions of all Blacks alike. The student cameos allowed for self-help behavior to be utilized as students stated their disdain for this constant unwanted spotlight that continuously happens to them throughout time at Harvard. Social control from below evens the score that has been unevenly dealt to lower

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