Everyone needs some alone time, some privacy, a sanctuary away from the busy and hectic happenings of everyday life. However, actually being completely alone, without any noise, sounds, sights, or sense of touch is deleterious to our rather sensitive minds. Being devoid of any sensory input for hours, days, weeks, even months, has drastic repercussions that at times manifest as hallucinations. Hearing sounds that aren’t real, seeing objects that disappear when focused on, and even full blown scenarios that don’t and couldn’t possibly exist are all too common to those subjected to such extreme situations. Donald Hebb, a psychologist at McGill University Medical Center in Montreal conducted a sensory deprivation experiment, reporting that the
The school board is wrong for thinking that fiction and novels don’t have a place in the schools curriculum. There are several reasons for why the school board is wrong about removing fiction because it destroys all chances a student could get like learning about social issues involving discrimination, isolation as well as conflicts involving the ability of power to corrupt everything in a non realistic world. This can be situated by the novel “The House of the Scorpion” by Nancy Farmer who writes about a clone named Matt and how he has to go about being treated differently and how his life has gone. The first reason why the school board is wrong is because of the effects of discrimination. In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary it defines discrimination
Although people may feel isolated and alienated from everything around them, they are never alone. It is not possible to be completely disconnected from everything. For example, a man who has
When I was alone, the peace and quiet that followed the busy weekend was a welcome
Being alone in a silent room with only my thoughts makes me feel uncomfortable. My mind has free roam in silence to go wherever it wants. I never truly have silence because I fill it with other things. The things vary, from homework to music on my speaker, to Netflix on my TV. It has become hard for me to complete simple household tasks without some sound to fill my brain. I have been taught since I was young that silence is bad, it’s awkward, it’s not desirable. Filling my time with things to do is a much better use of the limited time I am allowed on this earth. I think this is because my phone is always there with me, buzzing, ringing, chirping, and pinging. It doesn’t allow silence to creep its way in. It keeps me engaged all the time leaving no time left for me. I see that my mom enjoys silence and so does my older sister, but somehow I do not. I see what my phone does but somehow I am addicted. It’s worse than a drug because I can not go without it. It has changed the lives of people in my generation and there is no going back. Technology ruined silence and will ruin our
* Hallucinations – see things that aren’t there or talk to people who aren’t around.
Surprisingly, research shows that even 15 minutes of near-total sensory deprivation can cause hallucinations on par with psychedelics. (University, 2011)”
A couple quotes from people who said they felt nothing; “Overdosed on heroine, EMT’s said my heart stopped. Didn’t see anything, just like sleeping with no dreams.” and “Pure,perfect, uninterrupted sleep,no dreams.”. A quote from someone who felt like they could see what was happening while dead; , “I do remember a little bit of the ambulance ride, but not from my own body. It was seriously the strangest thing I have ever experienced. It could have been a dream, but I saw my own unconscious body completely flatlined in the ambulance. I remember the EMT who was in the ambulance with me (whom I did not see before I passed out)”. And here is a quote from someone who had an interaction; "I was standing somewhere. There was a fog all around me, and I saw my best friend (who at the time I'd been fighting with and he'd stopped talking to me) come out of the mist. He told me that I couldn't go yet, that I have to keep trying, and if I promised not to give up, he'd see me back on Earth. I wordlessly agreed, and I was instantly pushed (into?) my body.".
Why these sensory deprived individuals shut down mentally is explained in an article by the University of Indiana. “Not only do sensory inputs keep us from getting bored, they also keep our brains functioning within healthy parameters. Should we lose access to natural light, social interaction and physical touch, we quickly begin to unravel. Surprisingly, research shows that even 15 minutes of near-total sensory deprivation can cause hallucinations on par with psychedelics. (University, 2011)”
The idea of serene solitude within the intensity of society was crucial for many Transcendentalists as it helped to find themselves which makes the idea especially valuable. In today’s world, it is safe to say that people are always busy, moving from task to task, going to work and back home, only to wake up the next day and do it all again. The idea of total solitude within a frenetic, yet monotonous lifestyle fully exists, but for many, solitude cannot be a luxury for them to acquire. Along with still existing in modern society, solitude is a value and a virtue that is taken for granted by many. Seclusion from the ills and pains of modern society may or may not be an advantage for the individual, but it is up to them to make that discovery.
Rosenhan's study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates who briefly simulated auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different states in various locations in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and had not experienced any more hallucinations. All were forced to admit to having a
Hallucination: This is a perception of a sensory experience without external stimuli. It may be visual, auditory,
Being completely alone can never truly be achieved. Someone somewhere is tuning into all the things personal. No matter where, no matter the time, the person, or place constant surveillance is a guarantee. “A party member lives from birth to death under the eye of the thought police. Even when
Active solitude is when a person either reads a book or writes down how they feel in a journal, the best place to do this is at the library or a coffee shop, increasing the potential of a social connection. The second way is only helpful for some people, for others it can open up and entirely new problem, this method is spending money. During this technique whenever the person feels lonely they would purchase items giving them a “feel good” moment at the time. (Again, a person should be careful using this method.) The third method to overcoming loneliness is the smartest and easiest way, forced social contact! During this the individual could schedule a lunch date with friends, visit family, enroll in a class or activity that would allow them
Sensory deprivation is something you have to thoroughly understand before you decide to do something such as sign up for a week in a Sensory Deprivation room. I must warn you that 1-week may be too long. Sensory deprivation for short periods of time, such as retreating to a quite area alone to relax, can be beneficial. However, you must remember that your brain requires some sort of sensory stimulation in order for it to continue operating normally. Also, as a warning, you must know that being in a deprivation room may actually have the opposite effect of relaxation: deprivation rooms may make you feel grouchy, restless, and even disoriented. I would strongly advise that you not stay in a sensory deprivation room for a week, or even a day for
To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere. You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, and even to raging out and hurting friends and/or