“Accomplishments will prove to be a journey, not a destination.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower
This quote represents all that an american president, and really just any leader of any country should be. A president should be able to take the trip through elections or even their past political or even business experiences and still be able to get to their final destination. No, the journey may not be easy, but what it proves to the people they are trying to persuade is that they have the effort to put forth and keep going. No matter what happens or how far they fall, the fact that they get back up, brush off the dirt and trudge on through the slop of politics is enough the prove they have more than what it takes to perform well in the white house.
Donald trump won the presidential election due to many reasons, but some reasons were stronger than others. His stance on gun control and abortion touched the heart of many true americans, while hilary was winning the average foreign vote, Donald trump was out getting the votes from the true red, white, and blue supporting American citizens. The issue of gun control was an issue weighing heavily on many Americans across the nation. Some
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The choice of life is something that a person should not be able to take away. If two people have sex and the female gets pregnant, whether it be by accident or on purpose it is their responsibility to care for the infant that they produced. Life is a blessing to everyone, even if the baby was not planned, it is not the parents choice to decide if the child lives or dies. That baby has its own life and its own future to live to. Trump says that on the topic the government should not pay for the process of abortion because it is denying a person its right. It is denying a person its right to live and diminishing that on which this country stands
Clinton Rossiter starts off talking about how no american can think about the presidency without feeling somewhat serious and humility. He thinks you should be serious about how historic and unique it is. But humility in the thought that he got a say in who was in power of our country. He admires the presidents for their strong and powerful leadership qualities.
Many citizens of the country were outraged and shocked to find that Donald Trump would be our new president. A lot of people started walking down streets, walking out of schools, some even causing a bit of violence. Whether we like it or not Donald will be our new president; many would have different opinions on how he managed to win the election. Three of those important reasons are because there was a low voter turnout, the electoral college, and because of Hillary's email incident.
One of the most contentious issues in America, abortion, is still discussed on a daily basis. Women should be able to make their own decision with their bodies because it involves their bodies, health, and futures. Conversely, one of America’s presidential candidates wants to repeal Roe v. Wade, which allows women to make their own intimate decision. In one of his recent speeches, Donald Trump states that women who seek abortion should be subject to “some form of punishment” (Flegenheimer, et al.). Trump was highly criticized for making this statement, but he continued to mention that ripping a baby out of the womb on the last day of pregnancy is immoral. Trump seems to misunderstand that most abortions happen during the first trimester of
The President is the voice of the nation, defining who we as a people are and who we will become in the eyes of our allies and the rest of world. (Morone and Kersh 2013)Some presidents were loved and still hold much affection by the American people but accomplished very little while in the oval office. Others improved the economy and made the right decisions and are almost forgotten by history. So how does one achieve presidential greatness? I argue that a president must create a new “political order” in order to achieve greatness. In other words, he must create new institutions, interests, and ideas or reform the current institutions, interests and ideas that shape a political era. (Morone and Kersh 2013) .
One of the most important jobs in the United States of America is President. A president is the face of a nation and leader of a land; therefore, a president must represent the country in a respectful and professional manner. The leader in this position must possess certain qualities in order to be successful in their profession. Qualities required in order to be a great president are having a vision for the future of the country, managing and creating decisions that will impact the nation on a positive level, and being able to communicate well with the citizens of the country.
Abortion is very serious issue that’s why abortion has become a debatable issue in U.S politics. Recently the republican candidate Donald trump said in the news “The sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. The party, advocates for a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”(Boguhn 1). Donald trump said in the news the unborn child have the total right to alive and these restrictions have to become part of laws. Additionally, he is also against the legal rights of abortion Trump said legal rights of abortion should change from the U.S laws and make secure and supportive laws for unborn children lives.
Analyze the speech of a local or national politician. What kind of language and symbols does he or she use when speaking? What does this language emphasize? What does it conceal? How does it frame the “issues” that the speaker addresses? Provide a web link to the speech. The foundation of your answer should be anchored in the literature.
On November the 8th millions of American casted their vote for who (Hillary Clinton, Trump, etc..) they want as president. On November the 9th the United States Electoral College pronounced that they had selected Donald Trump to become the 45th president of the United States. I personally thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win this election considering the fact that she has political experience which Donald Trump lacks. Donald Trump basically in my opinion honey potted millions of Americans into voting for him. Trump fed those Americans what they wanted to hear. Trump winning caused an uproar among the younger generation; therefore, young people protested against him. Trump winning the presidency has also alarmed many other world leaders because it was unexpected. There are many causes that could be blamed for his election into the office.
Being that the President of the United States is an iconic figure in the economic world, they should possess necessary qualities as they represent the country. There are many qualities that the President should have. Such as being a master negotiator, being competitive and driven to win, having the courage to do the right thing, dealing peacefully with disagreements and anger, and self-control/self-discipline. For one, a President should be able to excel in world negotiation. Negotiating with other countries is an essential role to holding executive office since foreign interactions are necessary for the economy. For example, mastery of negotiation is crucial in international trade because the United States is one of the most active trading
One of the most important qualities that our president must have is the ability to be both goal and achievement oriented. I think this is an important quality because all the different aspects of our country that candidates base their campaign around and promise to improve mean nothing if they don’t take initiative and make these changes happen. There are so many things in the American system that are defective for instance, the immigration system, foreign policy, and health care to name a few. We need a president who has clear plans to reform and will then apply this initiative and set goals and achieve them. Another important quality our president must have is respect. I believe respect is one of the most vital qualities one can have. With
Trump had many goals but President Donald J. Trump most famous goal is to build the “Great wall” the wall that will separate Mexico and it’s people from the U.S. The political cartoon was illustrated by the man Milt Priggee, who isn’t a trump supporter. Milt illustrated his political cartoon image to all trump supporters who are convinced easily by Trumps sayings. This image is persuading the trump supporters to realize that trump does not really cares about the U.S (The Society) and its people, but he's actually selfish by not mentioning the The Society.
President Obama mentioned that if his daughters were to make a mistake he would not want them punished with a mistake. The articles states “Obama may care about defending some human rights; but it’s clear that he doesn’t believe every life is “a miracle” or deserving of protection.” This is the common argument that a fetus is a life therefore abortion is murder. I am not going to be able to convince you that a fetus is not a life (even though it isn’t) however; a fetus cannot survive on its own. It is fully dependent on its mother unlike born babies. Also, even if a fetus is a life, the right to life does not imply that you have the right to use someone else’s body. People are given the right to chose not to donate their organs even if it saves someone else life.
For America to remain strong, it must have a president capable of leading it to greatness. As a free country, a delicate balance between power and individual must be sought. Free man to, have a need of leadership. A government that is to be controlled by man can be difficult to run because you must first keep the governed in line; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. And the leadership from the president has helped America shape a successful democracy. To grasp the quality of this, we must first understand the groups and men that he provides guidance over.
The poem constructs a relationship between our understanding of political and a worldwide perspective of everyday people’s lives. Through his writing, he builds his own interpretation of the importance of faith under a corrupt government where there is no hope left. The truth of the matter is that we live in a world with an imperfect government because the people that run it are imperfect themselves. Therefore, the government can not avoid being unjust. Although, it’s their jobs to guide the people into success and happiness for a brighter future. Political events today reveal that a vast amount of individuals are in constant fear of the repercussions of Donald Trump’s presidency, because of the name calling and his past threats on minority
“The President is an excellent man, and in the main wise; but he lacks will and purpose, and I greatly fear he, has not the power to command”