
Donald Trump: Two Different Reasons To Be President

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Donald Trump The best person that could be president would be Donald Trump. There are a lot of reasons why he would be a good president like he wants to change Obama care, immigration, the budget, gun control, taxes, and try to make America better. Also his entitlement, immigration, social issues. He speaks the truth and says what is on his mind. Then he fights for what he wants. He also never gives up on something. Donald Trump says that the government causes budget problems. Trump thinks that budget cuts don’t go far enough (Desjardins, Boyd). He says that the government should stop spending so much money. He thinks that budget cuts should go far so that we can save money. He wants to fire people to get more money to get better equipment for people. Donald Trump wants to stop immigration so America won’t have too many people (Desjardins, Boyd). He also want to make it so that immigrates don’t have a path to citizenship for undocumented workers. He will allow European immigration. The reason why cause European people is smarter and more useful. He wants to put up a huge wall on the America and Mexico boundaries. …show more content…

Also keep it how everything is (Desjardins, Boyd). He wants Americans to stay comfortable and keep stuff how it is. On the other hand he wants to cut social security so that they would not be so strict (Desjardins, Boyd). He doesn’t want people to be stressed by social security. Trumps opinion on Obama care is that it is a catastrophe (Desjardins, Boyd) . He thinks that health insurance would have the ability to cross state lines. He is going to stop Obama care because he thinks it will cause problems (Desjardins, Boyd). He doesn’t want it here cause it will cause health insurance to cross state lines and go outta business. He thinks that Obama care causes more problems that there really needs to be (Desjardins,

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