
Donna Beegle's Analysis

Decent Essays

You would think that most students would be ready for college after high school. They have more freedom and get to live their life how they want to in college. Well, it’s a whole other ball game when you come to the college world. As for Donna Beegle, she never had the college experience so it was very different for her to accomplish, her goal to become a college student. As for me, I personally was ready for a challenge! With Donna and I, we both had a common struggle and that would be a lack of understanding and subject.
When I decided I wanted to get my Associates and Bachelors Degree in Business Management in high school, I realized I would have to overcome an obstacle in college. Having so many math classes ever since I was in elementary school, I knew I would have trouble in math. But majoring in business would involve a lot of math. My first semester of college, I ranked the lowest in college math. I knew I had to do something about it then before I had to approach more difficult standards in math. I got a tutor and I am developing habits on how to do certain equations. I know I have to keep working on it, but I have done everything I …show more content…

Having difficulties in the subject was her major obstacle in college as well. Frequently in college, your professors likely assign you reports or research papers to do. When Beegle had a paper, she kindly asked her professor for his help to learn how to speak how he spoke because no one ever thought she was the smartest. Beegle says “ Dr. Fulford began correcting my language every time we spoke. He would stop me various points in our conversation and say, ‘ Don’t say Ain’t ‘ or “ You meant “gone,” not “went”. Ever since then she would practice how to respond with the correct words. Donna struggled very badly considering she only knew street talk, and talking in a proper matter was like learning a new

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