
Double Displacement Reaction Lab Report

Good Essays

Problem/Background Information:

Creating a solid from two liquid is an exceptional type of double displacement reaction that produces a precipitate, it happen when anions and cations is merge together in an aqueous solution to form an insoluble ionic solid called precipitate. Reactions are decide to be resolved, depends on the solubility rules for solids in order to know the product and know how to write a net ionic equation, because some aqueous reaction can not form precipitates. It permits scientist and the people to foretell which ions are exist in a solution. The problem is choosing the right chemicals to mix to produce a precipitate. Choosing the factors to make a precipitate can be different, because it depend on the temperature …show more content…

Dependent Variable:

• Silver Chloride, Silver Iodide, Calcium Carbonate.

Controlled Variable:

• Volume of all reactants or aqueous solution, concentration and temperature.


• 50 ml beaker, 100 ml beaker, Stirring spoon, Sodium Chloride solution, Silver Nitrate solution, Sodium Carbonate solution, Calcium Chloride solution, Potassium Iodide solution, goggles or safety glasses, long sleeved shirt, glove and rubber band for girl/woman


1. Using a 50 ml beaker to measure 30 ml of Sodium Chloride solution and Silver Nitrate solution.
2. Pour both of it in a 100 ml beaker.
3. Mix it together by using stirring spoon.
4. Do it the same way with other 3 examples of solution, which includes Sodium Carbonate solution and Calcium Chloride solution, Potassium Iodide solution and Silver Nitrate solution, Silver Nitrate solution and Calcium Chloride solution.
5. Record or collect all observations.

Observation will be collect: by seeing when two chosen aqueous (Eg. Carbonate solution and Calcium Chloride solution) solution are mixed together it will become solid or a …show more content…

The information cannot be unremembered. Recording data is very easy but helpful in arrange everything.

• Use a notebook, not a paper because it is very easy to lost.
• Write it bullet points or full sentence to record data.
• Draw when you need to.
• Write the date every time you record or collect information.
• Put a title on every time you write.
• When you finished collecting and recording every data and information your from observation, answer the question of the problem from your experiment.
• For conclusion, write down you ideas and perspective about your experiment.

Safe Procedure:

1. You must wear a goggles or safety glasses when experimenting to protect your eyes from chemical substances. Make a routine of wearing it before experimenting and keeping it on until you have completed cleaning up everything.
2. In the laboratory, do not eat, drink, taste or smoke.
3. You should wear long sleeved shirt, gloves and leather topped shoes all the time when doing experiments.
4. Your hair should be tied back to prevent hair falling into flames or

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