Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny by Holly Madison who is an American model, showgirl and television personality and lived at the playboy mansion for 7 years has published this memoir to tell the truth about the life inside the glamorized, bizarre world of the playboy mansion and the truth about what goes on inside this secretive world, and the not so lavish life the playboy girls and holly were forced to live. This is holly’s story after falling into a rabbit hole that forced her to face the truth, lose her identity, self worth and hope for a better life.
This memoir is not a novel that I would normally contemplate reading, but the playboy mansion and life inside has always made me curious,
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Heff would pit the girls against each other to cause drama that he loved and crave the attention they would give him after he did so, holly was the subject of most insulting comments and would often get the blame for the other girlfriends mistakes. When everyone was getting along Heff would find a way to tear up the friendships and manipulate the girls. I truly think holly has a strong charcter and should be considered a role model, most girls from the playboy mansion are considered dumb, bimbos and only useful for their looks a term and description often used by society. But Holly inspired me and others and shined through in this story the importance of being more than a pretty face and to be a smart, strong independent women. The playboy mansion was a toxic place for Holly and the 6 girlfriedns were rude and spiteful towards her on top of always feeling the need to impress Heff “In a few short months, I had gone from a friendly, optimistic, confident woman to a confused girl with a nervous stammer who second-guessed every thought that went through her head and rationalized every bad decision she made.” Even though every thing she has been put through she was brave, passionate and truly cared, this shown through in her reality tv show and most viewers found themselves realating to Holly. She is a strong and inspiring girl who has put the past behind her and made a bright and sussecful futre and
In the book “Overthrow” Stephen Kinzer breaks down the three different kinds of interference that the United States used to overthrow 14 countries. At the beginning of the book, we see that the United States overthrew Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines because of their imperialistic grounds. The United States overthrew this countries to expand its power and also because they wanted to protect American businesses. In the second section of the book Kinzer discusses how America overthrew leaders that they felt were leaning towards communism; countries such as Iran, Chile, South Vietnamese, and Guatemala were some of these countries that got overthrown. Threats of communism was either misinterpreted or a veil to disguise imperialist
Many times, throughout the first chapter Bechdel hints at the idea of her father having more affection for mansion than for his own family. “The gilt cornicles, the marble fireplace, the crystal chandeliers, the shelves of calf-bound books… (pg. 5)”. By listing all the elusive features of the house, the author emphasizes the idea that her father in more intriguing by the manifests of his house than spending time with his children. First Bechdel implies that her father spends more time fixing and maintaing the house then his children, then she claims that he has more affection for his house then his kids. “I grew to resent the way my father treated his furniture like children and his furniture like children (pg. 14) ”. Bechdel alludes to the impression that her father appreciated his life only to the extent that he could manipulate it and make it beautiful, rather than understanding how imperfect it was beneath the surface. The recurring stories of her father working on the house rather than engaging with his family reveals the authors purpose of using ethos to play into the audience’s sympathy so that they feel sorry for the author her
Chasing Zero is a documentary which was meant to both educate the viewer on the prevalence of medical harm as well as to enlighten both the public and health care providers on the preventability of these events (Discovery, 2010). The documentary expounded on the fact each year more people die each year from a preventable medical error than die due to breast cancer, motor vehicle accidents or AIDS (Institute of Medicine, 1999). Medical harm can result from adverse drug events, surgical injuries, wrong-site surgery, suicides, restraint-related injuries, falls, burns, pressure ulcers and mistaken patient identities (Institute of Medicine, 1999). Incidences of medical error have been reported in the media for many years. The most startling
Fun House, the autobiography written by author Alison Bechdel centers around her life growing up and the death of her father. The autobiography is in a graphic novel format that artistically depicts relevant events that occurred in Bechdel’s life when she was growing up. The novel shows the problems that dysfunctional families have in a realistic way without sugar coating anything. The plot of Fun House centers around Bechdel’s life and what it was like living in a household where the parents did not pay that much attention to their children and focused on other things, where the father who is supposed to the head of the household, has a dark secret concerning his sexual orientation, where the protagonist (Alison) is dealing with gender
Unsatisfied with his throne, Yertle the Turtle, king of the pond, orders the turtles around him to
Gung Ho, by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles was a wonderful book that discussed many important factors involved in making a company truly successful. It had a good storyline to help to tell the story of Gung Ho. When I first picked up the book to read it I really had no idea what to expect to learn from the book. The points that were made in this book were very simple and common sense principles. I say that these principles are simple, but many companies do not think of these little things when running a large business. They try to go “by the book” and get too caught up in sticking to their rules and regulations. Sometimes you just have to use a little common sense when running a business.
As we reflect back into time, we wonder who may we reflect back on? Today, we will be focusing on F. Scott Fitzgerald. Our book title is called “F. Scott Fitzgerald:The American Dreamer”, and is scribed by John Tessitore. This book is nonfiction and is a(n) biography. We will also note that the story takes place in 1896, and in the city of St. Paul Minnesota. Stating the basis of this novel, and now moving on to learn more about our eccentric American Dreamer.
A study ‘Experiences of childbirth by mothers at the tertiary hospital in Limpopo Province’ was conducted (Maputle & Nolte 2008), and experiences of the mothers during childbirth revealed the major concept ‘woman-centered care’. ‘Woman-centered care’ emerged as a
Conjoined by Judith Minty is a poem that represents a broken relationship or a broken marriage. Minty uses similes, metaphors, and analogies to describe the miserable union of two people and the inseparability of the marriage that these two people are in. Marriage; the poem’s subtitle sets the theme of the poem and it is only when one begins to read the poem that it becomes understood as an unhappy poem rather than that of joy and happiness. Minty uses words that with connotations that steer more to the negative side to describe the life of a married couple. Although she does not come right out and say what she means to say, the poem speaks for itself. Orson Scott Card once said, “Metaphors have a way of holding the most truth in the least
Hi Mrs. Millican I just wanted to inquire you about my grade for the Into Thin Air essay. I apologize if i seemed really confused and didn't clearly comprehend when you explained why i received the amount of points I did. I just felt I put a lot of hard work into my paper and missed out on point for things I included in it. For example, on language I received 2 points, but I made sure to include varying transition words and phrases and use grade level vocabulary. Although I do understand that the subjective tone and lack of formality (failure to use last names) would have cost me a point, but i feel that a 2 is a bit lower than i should have scored. I also feel i scored really low for focus and comprehension. You said that the information
There is a little-known parallel universe beneath the veneer of what is often referred to as conventional vanilla society. This is the REAL Fetish world of extreme deviancy and kink, a joyous world of unapologetic hedonism, impenetrable to the average person and is only ever accessible through trusted personal contacts. I’J a part of that hidden universe... Let me tell you about myself.
Finally reaching Santa Monica Blvd I stop the car out the front of the Burgundy House that looked expensive it appeared to be a brothel with lots of men lining out the front behind red velvet ropes. I turned off the engine. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, answering it a low gravelly male voice answers, “Got the girl?” He asks. “Out front now, what do you want done with her?” I ask as I open the back door grazing down on her sleeping form. “Bring her through the back, I want to see her.” He answers fierce before ending the call.
The first way that Atwood attempts to incorporate problems that humanity is facing in the futuristic setting of the book is by displaying the effects of global warming as researched, predicted and imagined. Atwood tries to show what happened to the spaces of the world that we are familiar with “It was like going to Harvard had been, before it got drowned” (173), in this small sentence Atwood speaks volumes on the effects of global warming that will be discussed further in detail in the next paragraph. Another example of this can be seen here: “A mile or two to the south, a salt marsh is forming on a one-time landfill dotted with semi-flooded townhouses” (148). Another part of the global warming phenomenon is the rising temperatures on the planet
Today’s nursing profession encompasses a variety of specialties and disciplines that demonstrate a wide range of phenomena. According to McEwin and Willis, in clinical practice, those phenomenon that are frequently seen aid advanced practice nurses in developing interventions and clinical protocols because they are said to be stable and reliable components of the practical nursing experience (McEwin & Willis, 2011, p. 47). The observed phenomena may or may not have had research studies associated with them in the past to concretely define them, and
Holly is not sure of whom she is yet. She is constantly reminded of her past although she’s still running from it. It angers her when she is given a dose of stability. She wants to find herself on her own, not through those who’ve gotten to know her for such a short while. She wants her independence and to create her own schedules to go with her own everyday life.