
Dr. Ricketson : Rethinking Leading For Organizational Physical Structure

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April stated, according to Dr. Ricketson, everything does not rise and fall on leadership. However, April continued, Ricketson did proved his point with regard to organizational physical structure, there is still skepticism on her part, in regards to whether this is comparable and or transferrable to the living organism of the church. It is this reader’s observation that the illustration, given by Ricketson was clear to understand according to its purpose. It allowed one to notice how there is no movement in an organization (or church) once the leader has been removed. The demonstration consisted of a pyramid structure (designed with cups) in which the top cup was removed; demonstrating the structure would remain. The illustration assisted one in realizing Ricketson’s stated point that proved that, everything does not rise and fall on leaders, as we both seemed to agree at some minimal level or degree. Upon investigating in depth from Ricketson’s book entitled, Followerfirst: Rethinking Leading in the Church, to believe the success of any organization lies in the leader, is to believe followers do not accomplish anything (Ricketson 2007, 16). At any rate, Ricketson’s point and proven perspective was, for one to believe leaders hold such power, is to believe followers are of no use. This is a misunderstanding, proclaimed Ricketson. April stated, one must keep in mind the biblical leader is held more accountable and will receive stricter judgment, according to Scripture

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