
What Are Hop Frog's Actions Justified?

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In the story Hop Frog, Hop Frog’s actions are justified because of the king’s cruel humor, his treatment of Trippetta as well as Hop Frog, and how he makes Hop Frog drink even though he is aware it makes him go mad. First off, he treats Hop Frog like dirt. He is the one who gives him the nickname Hop Frog due to his gait and the awkward way he walks. The nickname is used so much that they forget his real name. Also when the king talks to Hop Frog he is always condescending, making statements such as, “‘Come, come,’ said the king, impatiently, ‘have you nothing to suggest?’” (Poe 3). This is just one occasion where the king demands too much from Hop Frog, setting him up for failure just so he can make a joke of the dwarf. His treatment of Hop …show more content…

He finds this fear laughable. He is especially cruel in his humor to Hop Frog. Knowing it is Hop Frogs birthday he states, “’Swallow this bumper to the health of your absent friends’” (Poe 2). He is capitalizing on the weakness of Hop Frog to get a laugh from his friends. Truly evil ideas like this are what justified Hop Frogs actions. The king constantly would take advantage of Hop Frogs distaste for alcohol to get a laugh. The king is extremely conscious of the fact that the alcohol makes the dwarf insane, and the king gets a high off of it. He would sarcastically say things like, “‘see what a glass of good wine can do: why, your eyes are shining already’” (Poe 2). The king is fully aware the shining in his eyes is the heavy inebriation of the lightweight Hop Frog, and he knows that in Hop Frog’s head he is going mad. It is all for the laugh from the king’s friends. When Trippetta tries to step in to help her dear friend from being forced to drink anymore, the king acts in a way that justifies his demise. “He pushed her violently from him, and threw the contents of the brimming goblet in her face” (Poe

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