In The Frog Prince and the Hazel tells Laverne The frog prince is the original story and Hazel tells Laverne is a story rendered new. First, The Frog Prince point of view is third person all knowing, and the perspective is a narrator. For example, in the Frog Prince the author wrote, “One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water with a rose in the middle of it, she sat herself down to rest a while. Now she had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favourite plaything; and she was always tossing it up into the air, and catching it again as it fell.” Then in Hazel tells Laverne is in First person told by the princess. For example, …show more content…
First the mood in the Frog Prince was happy. The authors word were, “ They then took leave of the king, and got into the coach with eight horses, and all set out, full of joy and merriment, for the prince's kingdom, which they reached safely; and there they lived happily a great many years.” Hazel tells Laverne the mood was sad because she flushed a prince in a toilet.”ya little green pervert an i hit sm with my mop an has ta flush the toilet down three times me a princess” Then, the themes were different you the Frog Prince theme was you will never know what you're prince looks like. Hazel tells Laverne theme was dig a little deeper. Also, in the Frog Prince the tone is quiet and happy for example, “ The young princess, you may be sure, was not long in saying 'Yes' to all this; and as they spoke a brightly coloured coach drove up, with eight beautiful horses, decked with plumes of feathers and a golden harness;...” Then the tone in Hazel tells Laverne is angry and loud for example, .”ya little green pervert an i hit sm with my mop an has ta flush the toilet down three times me a princess” The plots in these story are very different. First the Hazel tells Laverne Plot is Frog come in, ask for a kiss, and then get flushed down a toilet. Then then the Frog Prince plot is the frog does a deed to get a princes to marry him, and gets her to like him when she learns the frog is a
Many authors use different styles of writing and different ways to show different things and different types points of views. In the articles The Georges and the Jewels and Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse, the authors are both using first person point of view, but using different ways to reveal the character traits. First, In The Georges and the Jewels, the person telling the story is a little girl and also she is talking about her experiences with horses, whereas in Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse, the article is being told by a horse, and the horse is telling about his life and about all the equipment that has to be used for him.
In the passages from the novels The Georges and the Jewels and Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse Both were written in the first person point of view. In the first passage from The Georges and the Jewels the point of view is first and it is told in a person's point of view. In the second passage from Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse the point of view is first, but it is a horse's point of view. There are a couple more similarities and differences on how the author uses the point of view to develop a character
In “The Amazing Penguin Rescue” the point of view is second person throughout most of the story and some third person while in “Saving penguins, One Sweater at a Time” is third person in the whole story. An example of this is “You’re hungry, so you head down to the water’s edge”(Tarshis15). I feel that in Lauren Tarshis’ story you get more experience and helps you understand what’s happening because it’s like you’re the penguin and you’re experiencing these things. In Kristen Lewis’ story you don’t feel that way at all.
Narrative power is a unique thing in that it does not matter what the story says or the truth to it but rather how it is conveyed; how does the story create meaning and understanding for the reader. It is one thing to read the novel for the facts but it is another thing to understand why the facts were told the way they were; the importance behind the facts. Authors achieve this by using copious different points of view including: second person, third person-limited, third person-omniscient, and in the example of The Enchanted, first person. First person point of view is where the story is told through the experiences of an individual within the story. The author of The Enchanted, Rene Denfeld, slightly alters this in the sense that she
Wow! Reading the point of view of a first-person narrative reveals so much about the author’s thoughts. While reading first-person narratives, it enables readers to understand more information throughout the story. Hearing the thoughts and ideas right from the character makes it easier to make connections. In the short story “George and the Jewels” by Jane Smiley, the main character Abby goes through a transition from disliking horses to understanding them. In “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell, the story is narrated by a horse who is introduced into a new environment where he has to become used to being rode every day. By examining Black Beauty and The George and Jewels, it shows that both passages use first-person point of view to develop
In both stories “The Monkey’s Paw” and “The Keys of Destiny” they prove that money isn’t the source of happiness. Even though they have the same theme the two authors get this theme across in two completely different ways. With the story “The Monkey's Paw” the author uses the death of Herbert (the son of one of main character) to reveal the theme, while in “The Keys of Destiny” the author uses the keys of destiny to get the same effect. The main reason that the themes are presented differently is because of the craft moves that are being used. For example, in “The Monkey's Paw” the author W.W. Jacobs used revealing actions and in “The Keys of Destiny” the author Neil Philip uses symbolism.
We all know Cinderella, the girl whose step- mother and sisters were horrendous to her. In the end she gets the prince, of course. These tales don’t follow that same story line. Their personalities, royal future, their father figure, and the magic in the stories all differ. These four Cinderella tales are Aschenputtel, The Twelve Months: A Slave Legend, The Algonquin Cinderella, and Tam and Cam. Each has different elements that can be compared, but they also have elements that can be contrasted. Breaking down the comparisons and contrasts, Aschenputtel and The Twelve Months: A Slave Legend will be compared and contrasted, whereas, the Algonquin Cinderella and Tam and Cam will be compared and contrasted.
The narrators in the two stories both possess similar traits, but some aspects of each narrator are distinct. In “The Tell Tale Heart,” the narrator is
There are two POVs in the story. The first POV is used for the whole story, including the story of Timofei, the singer, and his son Yegor. The story as a whole is told from the first person point of view. The first
In another way, these two stories are different because the authors have been using different perspective when narrating the story.
Machiavelli recommends the rulers to follow the good qualities, unless needs to protect himself from a vice who would not lose the state for him or be prudent enough to escape a vice who would lose the state for him.
First I would like to explain that I truly believe that there slim to no reasons that the most recent story which is the princess and the frog relates anything to Grimm’s fairy tale The Frog Prince or Iron Henry. I believe this to be true due to the fact that there is only one similarity between the two stories and that is, that in both there is a princess that stumbles upon and frog and he turns into a prince.
Some ways the original Tell Tale Heart and the rewritten version are similar are the mood and the plot. The mood of the stories are both suspenseful and erie and build up tension throughout the story. According to (Poes) text it states, “I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations, but the noise steadily increased.” According to (Johnson’s) text it states,”We talked a little longer, and then suddenly he gripped his head, and doubled over. Something was wrong.” This quotation also built up suspense because the man across from the policemen fell over and made the policemen nervous about whether or not the man was the murderer. Another thing that makes both versions is the plot. The plot of both stories are in the old man’s house in the 1800’s. According to (Poes) text it states, “And then, when my head was well in the room, I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye.” The narrator was in the old man’s bed room, waiting for the perfect time to commit the murder. According to (Johnson’s) text it states, “We went all around the large house, and saw nothing suspicious or anything that could have caused a murder. The man pulled up three wooden chairs, and let us sit and we chatted amongst ourselves, while he sat across from us.” The policemen sat in the exact place where the corpse was under the floorboards, and never noticed until the man showed them.
The Renaissance, a revival of antiquity starting in Italy around the middle of the 14th century, had broad implications for the way western society would operate thereafter. It would no longer focus on the church and its dictates, although they would still play a part. It would no longer have its government seated in Rome, with small pawns of the church controlling the land, although the church would still have a hand in government. It would no longer shun the vast stores of knowledge created in the past and ignored for a thousand years, although opponents would remain. The ideas of humanism, individualism, and secularism would come to play a role in society as they had in the past. Niccolo Machiavelli lived in a time when the
This semester in Mr. Sellers’ History class, we were asked to read a history novel and write a book review on it. I chose to read The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, and it sure did not disappoint. For a book on history, it was not so bad. The two parts to this review include a summary and a critical analysis. This paper will discuss the major points Machiavelli made in his book and analyze his tone and writing style, with an overall critique.