Good evening Ali,
Your dream sounds very stressful. A hate when I dream about work and then have to wake up and go to work. To me it makes me feel like I didn't get any rest.
Do you feel as though the dream dictionaries meanings of your dream had truth to them? For my dream that I listed in my forum I did not feel as if the dream dictionaries possible interpretation in my dream matched my interpretation on the dream.
You had stated that you felt that your dream fits into, "using dreams as an effort of dealing with problems." So, do you most agree with the problem focused approach to dreaming? What are the issues with the problem focused approach is this skepticism about problems and conflicts actually being able to be resolved while asleep.
I found the reading "The Symbolic Language of Dreams", written by Stephens King, a very interesting story to write about. King stated a quote in his introduction saying that dreams are a useful way that help people find the nature of their problems; or, find answers to their problems in a symbolic way. The purpose of this essay is to show that dreams and imaginations were two main factors in King 's successful life. Hence, dreams and imaginations are critical factors when writing; they sure can resolve many issues and expand our thoughts in order to write better and longer books. Without passion writing good books is impossible.
I introduced myself as a Dream Interpreter and asked for permission to talk about the subject, which they gave. I told them that a dream dictionary was a good basic reference, but dream interpretation was a lot more complicated. The mother responded, “I’ll bet.” I used the example of dog that it could mean loyalty and unconditional love; although, it could have
When looking into the meanings of dreams, a variation of things can be found. Most people believe that dreams are a reflection of people’s inner thoughts and feelings. Most of these feelings are too private to be expressed in the real world and that is why they are expressed in a fantasy type way through dreams.
I believe there can be problems associated with the dream dictionary and other websites like it. Websites like the dream dictionary can influence uninformed people to find meaning and dreams and sequentially let it affect their actions or interpretation. As for the credibility I cannot comment on the ads because I have ad block and ads can be a direct correlation to a person's Google searches and browser activity. I did navigate to the dream fact page and noticed there were no references which affects their credibility to
2. states that Researchers have found why dreaming is so important and if you do not enter the dream phase it causes irritability and anxiety. They performed a study, where they would wake up a person right before they entered the REM stage, and then let the person fall back asleep, and then wake them up again and do this several times during the night. They repeated this over several nights. They then observed the subjects doing everyday activities and found they were disoriented, crabby, and quick tempered. Dreaming is necessary and helps to recharge the mind and visualize the body.
Many people think they will find an immediate answer to their dream symbol in a dream dictionary; however, is it truly accurate? Not really! Their meanings are too general as I blogged about in “Are Dream Dictionaries’ Interpretations Right or Wrong?” Still people think they can find the true meaning of their dreams in a dictionary, which you can compare to reading your horoscope online – these are for the general public, not the individual. To get a clear picture of how to start to comprehend your personal symbol, please watch the short video below.
My philosophy about dreams more closely lines up with the Evolutionary Theorists. I believe that all dreams have some kind of meaning that applies to our waking life. The Evolutionary Theorists say that we are trying to solve problems in our dreams and I think that certain appearances of symbols have meaning about a situation and possible ways to solve
Everyone in the world has had at least one dream in their lifetime. Most people do not think much about the dreams that they have, unless they are recurring. Dreaming is “a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during REM sleep.” Most people today wake up from a dream or nightmare saying, “thank god that was a dream,” or “too bad that was just a dream.” Many times these dreams or nightmares have more meaning than we may think. If people took more time to consider the meaning behind the dreams they have, then dream interpretation could be used as a means to help resolve issues in our awaken lives, including helping to
Many studies have been conducted on dreams; as a matter of fact, there are various examples that look at how gender and psychology contribute to this subject. Although there have been numerous studies conducted, there are still questions about whether gender has a strong contributing factor on how dreams are interpreted. Schredl, Götz and Wittmann (2004) suggested that typical dream themes are reliable and valid; however, the meaning of the themes and their relationship between real life experiences are still under investigation. The problem with the conflicting interpretations is that they can carry both negative and positive meanings. It is important that more individuals study this subject; mainly, to assure clarity within the interpretations.
The above mentioned theories all have valid scientific approaches to understanding dreams and the meaning behind them. Dream interpreting has been around for millions of years, in different cultures and societies some ignore the meaning, while others believe they are messages. However in the 21st century we have come to understand that dreams are not messages from a high power, rather it is something different. The theory that I believe is most useful in interpreting my dream is the Psychodynamic Approach which was theorized by Sigmund Freud. I believe that the dream I mentioned was a deeper under lying meaning, furthermore it was an attempting for me to understand the aspects of my reality. I believe this due to the fact that I was unwilling
“ I think that dreams are a way that people's minds illustrate the nature of their problems. Or even illustrate the answers to their problems in symbolic dreams.” This is from Stephen King in the article “The Symbolic Language of Dream.” Dreams shows the individual unconscious and being to glimpse one's deepest desires and problems that are happening in their life. There are certain symbols that have meaning to them.
During sleep you would think that this is a time for the mind to rest and take stock, and for the most part it is. However, for one reason or another the mind tends to sometimes fire off unconsciously during sleep, resulting in weird and wonderful dreams that can be interpreted as having a significant meaning to one’s state of mind or place in life. Whether you’re anxious about something or excited for the future, this can have an affect on the types of dreams you experience. To find out more about the meanings of your dreams, take a look at our rundown of the most common examples below.
When I had this dream, I was having a hard transition of going back to school and leaving my friends. The reason it is so hard to leave my summer job is that my friends and I always promise to stay in contact but we never do. The transition was also hard because it would be my senior year of high school. My dream revealed my worries to me about the uncertainty and lack of clarity I had regarding senior year. My dream revealed to to me that despite this being a new responsibility and having to work on my own without the help of my friends, that I should remain positive about it. I believe the dream was also a warning that I could not continue to ignore my feelings toward my new situation and that it was time to face what was bothering me. It was telling me that I should not worry too much over my overbearing schedule and overbearing work load. I did notice that I was losing a part of myself, that part that I admired in the friends that appeared in my dream. My dream was telling me to keep moving forward as the positive person I was in the
This for me was the most difficult aspect of dream work. I found this stage of the process to be stressful and demanding. At first my mind locked up and I could not think of anything. I think my problem was I tried too hard to offer meanings that would resonate with the dreamer. Once I relaxed and let the meanings flow without judgement the process became easier.
Dreams have been around since the beginning of time. There is often controversy over whether or not dreams are important or meaningless. Although many people believe that dreams are pointless and have no meanings to them, research and experimentation show that there can be many different interpretations of dreams.