
Dream Of The Rood

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A poem is “a piece or writing that joins nature of speech that almost always is rhythmical, metaphorical, and exhibits formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure”. I think this is a poem it uses these elements throughout the story. Instead of using the simple word "Christ," the poet calls Jesus "the young hero" and "the warrior.” The poet avoids mentioning Christ's inability to shoulder the weight of the cross. This departure from biblical accounts of the crucifixion was also found in medieval art. Presenting Christ as a warrior impregnable to fatigue and weakness, the poet shows that Christ was an ultimate hero.The "The Dream of the Rood's" description of Christ's burial also reflects the unique image of Christ in medieval times. …show more content…

At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there. The dream vision uses strong images of Christ in order to reach members of the Anglo-Saxon warrior culture, who valued strength above humility. This may have been a deliberate strategy to convert pagans to Christianity. It also reflects how the image of Jesus was adapted to suit different cultures. 
What makes this such a highly regarded literary text? The Dream of the Rood is seen as one of the finest short religious poems in the Old English period. The poem has been the subject of literary and historical study for generations and different people has seen it different ways. The Dream of the Rood also provides a valuable window into early Christian England. The poem was first discovered on the Ruthwell Cross, a large stone carving dating to the early eighteenth century. Eighteen verses of The Dream of the Rood were carved into the cross in the runic lettering. This poem is one of the few surviving pieces of Anglo-Saxon

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