
Dress Code Restrictions In Schools

Decent Essays

Everyday countless amounts of students are pulled out of class and getting their learning time taken away from them, but weren’t distractions what school officials were trying to eliminate in the first place? These dress code restrictions are contradictory and leads students to want to rebel even more. One rule the principal needs to change is the dress code because it makes people feel insecure and it is sexist.
As previously stated, the school dress code makes students feel insecure. To explain further, the dress code doesn’t allow students to wear hats which some kids wear for more than just fashion. There are students that lose their hair at this age and they feel insecure about balding so young when it’s not even their choice. For example, …show more content…

For centuries women have had restrictions to what they can and can’t wear without getting in some sort of trouble for it, and now for some reason restrictions against only girls are taken to school in the 21st century. For example, many guys at school can get away with wearing very low cut shirts and not get in trouble for it because they do not have cleavage, yet girls who haven’t even gone through puberty yet in 5th grade will get sent home for wearing a “too cut” v-neck. Females have a female body and should not be apologetic of what they were born with. These rules and restrictions teach girls to hate their bodies and that their bodies automatically mean something sexual. To further explain, if a girl wears a dress too far above the knee but not revealing at all everybody's heads will turn but if a guy wore shorts the same length above the knee, everyone would take it as a joking manner. A girls legs are not something to be ashamed of when they look as identical as the opposite sex. Legs are not a distraction and should not make anybody feel some type of way. Everybody has legs.
In conclusion, there are plenty of reasons why the school dress code is unprofessional and should be changed. No one at school wants to feel bad about themselves especially because from grades K-12, we’re only finding ourselves. Students should not be taught to hate their bodies and discriminate against showing skin. We need to find a way to stand

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