
Drosphila Experiment Lab Report

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Introduction: The Drosophila experiment was to demonstrate independent assortment through mendelian genetics. Gregor Mendel’s second law of independent assortment states, when two or more characteristics are inherited, individual hereditary factors assort independently during gamete production, giving different traits an equal opportunity of occurring together ( Drosphilia is a great way to test inheritance because life cycle is very short, approximately 10-14 days and it produces a large amount of offspring. The phenotypes that are being examined are eye color and wing shape/size. The wild type flies were red eyes and long wings. If mutations occurred, the flies would be sepia (brown eyes) and apterous (no wings). …show more content…

One vial was for the monohybrid cross, and the other vial was for the dihybrid cross. Next, we prepared our culture vials. To prepare the culture vial, we added one scoop of media, and then filled one fourth of water to the test tube. Immediately we sealed the vials with a sponge and let it sit for a few minutes. While the test tube was sitting, we selected the flies and immobilized them. To immobilize the flies, we used flynap. Flynap is a solution that put the flies to sleep. First, we had to dip the wand into the flynap solution. Then, we carefully stuck the wand, in between the sponge and vial. Next, we laid the vial on its side and watched until all the flies fell a sleep. Once the flies fall asleep, they will remain a sleep for about an hour. When the flies where a sleep, we dumped them all out onto a plain index card and observed their characteristics under a microscope. We used a brush, to separate flies by phenotypes and sex. Next, we sorted 10 female flies and 8 male flies into each test tube. The flies were left into the test tube for a couple days. The next class period, was the first sign of larva. The parent flies were anesthetized using flynap, and taken out of the test tube. The F1, generations mated and created F2 progeny of files. We repeated the process several times by anesthetizing the flies and recording their phenotypes by looking under a microscope. Once all the data was recorded for the …show more content…

For the monohybrid cross, wild type and apterous were expected to give a 3:1 ratio. This is clearly presented in table 1 and 2. For the dihybrid cross, wild type wing and eyes and sepia and apterpous (mutants) were expected a 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio. The chi square value for the monohybrid was 3.843. We had a degree of freedom of 1. The nearest estimated value to our calculated value fell under the fifth percentile which is 3.84. Since these values are equal, we accept the null hypothesis and confirm the 3:1 ratio for the monohybrid cross. In the dihybrid cross, the calculated chi square value was 1.343. The degree of freedom happened to be 3. The nearest value fell under the 50th percentile, which equals 2.366. Since 1.343 is less than 2.366 we accept the null hypothesis and ensure the 9:3:31 ratio for the dihybird

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