I believe that kids at the age 12years and above can be influenced to do drugs. And that's making them make bad decisions and not doing well in school. Students who are in the 11th and 12th grade already made their decisions but students in 7th and 8th grade are still making theirs. It's important for me to research this topic because people need to be aware of kids any age from 12 years and above and know that it's never too late to prevent drug useage in middle school.
Middle school students are doing drugs because of substance abuse and addiction and some kids are just experimenting harder drugs as young as 11 or 12 years old. Some students do it under peer pressure by other students. Students that may older than them. Most student are
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Schools should not wait until a problem arises, but rather ensure the safety of all students. this is a preventative method that schools should have at thier discretion. middle schoolers are going to school high when their only in the the 6th ,, 7th or 8th grade. They get away with more things than high schoolers do in my if they was to come to school high, anybody would be able to notice, especially teachers. Their is a percentage of one in five teens do drugs and / or smoke. If schools drug test students than they could prevent middle school drug test students than they could prevent middle school students from doing drugs, they could save lives. Random drug testing of middle school students may help prevent substance abuse, a six- year study of new jersey students suggests that ; students who were randomly tested for drugs were less likely to use them in later years. The researchers found drug use by students in grades 6-8 is relatively rare. The study found that only about 1 percent of 8th graders say they have ever used illegal drugs, and only about 14 percent indicate that they have ever drunk alcohol, other than in circumstance where it's allowed, such as religious ceremonies. Kids who don't get caught could get addiction can lead to criminal behavior. The use of illegal drugs is often associated with murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary,
I truly believe that if you can approach and tackle an issue before it arises you have a better chance of preventing long-term issues that will emerge in the future. Through my studies I have learned that if you educate students on bad choice making and the consequences that come from it you have a better chance for those students not to make those bad decisions. For this Midterm Project I plan to target high school students and inform them about drug use and abuse. In my opinion I think that if we teach high school students the effects that drugs can have on your body and your future maybe we can prevent them from using drugs for the first time or stop the issue before it gets out of hand. Students who are in high school can be hard to talk to but if you use material and language that catches their attention your speech can very influential to them. I want to prevent teens from using drugs. I want and need them to be educated on all the harms that illegal substances do to your body immediately after using them and what long-term effects come with it as well. Students should be shown real life examples of citizens who have lived their lives influenced by drugs and examples of successful people who have chose a
The reason I think middle school kids should be drug tested is because they start with a harmless drug then the go to dangerous drugs as the time goes on.As stated on overview2016 in there data they provide.If the schools will test middle school students they will be less likely to take drug and get worse.That is why testing
As soon as I walked into the restroom, I witnessed a kid that was offered to smoke. I can tell he didn't want to, but he didn’t want to feel left out. He gave in to the peer pressure, and he accepted just for a little whiff. This is how most students are introduced to drugs, from others. Marijuana is known as the gateway drug, which leads to drug addiction. If middle schoolers are caught using drugs like marijuana, even if they do it for a whiff, the parents will be alerted and might be able to stop the kids from being addicted before it becomes a problem.
Students who were randomly drug tested were less likely to use them in later years. There is a 12% average of students in 8th grade that use drugs. New Jersey published the results of a six year study of drug-testing preventions among New Jersey Middle School students. The students asked their parents if they could get randomly drug tested, in the later years the drug abuse reduced. Almost every school now does drug testing for students engaged in sports or extracurricular activities.The primary purpose of drug testing is not a punishment, but to prevent drug abuse, and help them to become drug-free. Drug testing middle school students is a good influence, doing drugs affects the brain and body massively at a young age, many studies show positive
"Students who had been tested showed much smaller increases in perceived and actual use of alcohol—but not drugs—year-to-year," the study says”. Throughout my years of being in school i noticed that most of my friends didn’t start using drugs mostly marijuana or start drinking alcohol until about there junior year in high school Now this can be avoidable for some but for most it’s just unavoidable due to peer pressure. I hung out with the cool kids,the nerds,the skater guys and even the pot heads because i never hungout in just one set clique so i’ve seen my fair share of drug use amongst teenagers so i know when it starts and it doesn’t start in middle school. The main reason i believe that drug use doesn’t start among the middle school crowd is because of lack of peer pressure and freedom. Most middle school students are between the
Teens abusing drugs while in school is not the right way because they struggle while they are in class and affects their learning. Teens getting addicted to drugs while in school. Teens In a young age do drugs while in school, high schoolers having young friends, peer pressure the teenagers to do drugs with them. Teenagers bring drugs to school and leaving or doing drugs during school isn't the right way to come to school because people try to act cool around other people, teens haven't seen how they act in person. Teens not doing drugs would succeed in life because they would not have a slow mentality because after teens start doing drugs a lot they slow down and they can't listen well.
For the past 60 years drugs have found the mainstream among teenagers, especially ages 14-19. High schoolers often delve themselves into the use of drugs shortly after starting high school. Often pressured to do it by upper classmen. Whether it is marijuana, LSD, Ecstasy, or MDMA, kids will experiment with them. Schools all across the USA are drug testing students at random times throughout the school year, and are putting kids into trouble that do not deserve it! Students should only be drug tested if they are in possession of an illegal drug, or are not sober at the time school is taking place.
For example Lebron James ,one of the best all-around basketball players ever to play in the NBA, when he was in high school he smoked weed, because he was being pushed so hard into going into the NBA out of high school. This made him very unstable which caused the want to smoke weed. His unstability is similar to other teenagers dealing with being exposed to too many things so fast. There are more normal things that happen to normal middle school kids. Some more common things are being exposed to drugs and being exposed to porn really early. Porn is one of the biggest growing addictions in the world and the average age of kids being exposed to it is 11. This can cause many difficult things to happen to them emotionally, like mood swings and irresponsible attitudes. Sometimes due to these emotional difficulties parents can baby their teenagers.
High School, students are using drugs to show a clearer performance in numbers, with that teens hormones doubled through the past year. In 2013 3,705 students took a survey ( that was shown on Wednesday. Teen steroids moved up from 5 percent to 7 percent during that same era. This problem causes people to worry school officials including parents as well, which then would include drug
As a high school teacher and coach, this course has helped me become aware of what steps I need to take in our school to help a student that has a potential drug or alcohol problem. I know I need to have a specific plan, if a student approaches me thinking their friend may have a potential problem with drugs or alcohol. I have conferred with our liaison and school nurse in our school. We have steps that are already in place in our school.
West Fargo School give police permission to have occasional visits to prevent drug uses in the schools, helps school to drugs free zone, and student be safe. Sometimes there are some problems with the use of drug sniffing dogs and sometime it makes them feel like a suspect. Some school does not have sniffing dogs and is not required by the state. Sniffing dogs not only helps school it also helps there parent be more caution of their children.
Drug use is an increasing problem among teenagers in today's high schools. Most drug use begins in the teenage years, these years are the most crucial in the maturing process. During these years adolescents are faced with the difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority figures and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily available, adolescents are curious and venerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, and there is a temptation to escape from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and
An eighth grader has the ability to obtain heroin or cocaine as effortless as he or she could marijuana. The scary thing is that drugs are so much stronger, purer, and more deadly than they were decades ago. Can you even imagine children using them and the way they are harming their bodies? As far as school and their education, what child will learn if they come to school high or intoxicated? Or if they even go to school for that matter. The programs that the schools have provided, such as D.A.R.E., have proved themselves to be ineffective. There are just as many kids, and that is exactly what they are, using drugs that have taken the program than the kids that had not participated. It seems that the more the government tried to educate against drug, the more negative attitudes arose against the police and law enforcement. And with that escalates the positive attitudes towards using drugs and alcohol, as well as a rise in criminal behavior. As a result in the drug war, education becomes limited to those who actually care to learn.
Some might think that school was tough for me, maybe that I was bullied for being poor. I’d just say that no one was rich enough to be that bully. My grades were decent considering my math teacher had such a heavy Hispanic accent. Getting to the point, school really wasn’t as terrible a place as I thought it’d be. At least not if you were careful. Drug use was abundant, even I’d popped a few pills. It’s just… it’s just no one ever told me no. My dad smoked and I’ve found marijuana in my own house. I didn’t do drugs for the high like my fellow classmates. I did it to try to kill myself. I had failed twice, and both times I wasn’t allowed to have dinner for a week. My parents told me they couldn’t afford to keep pumping my stomach. I fear what
Drugs and alcohol are becoming a common matter amongst young adolescents worldwide. As drugs and alcohol are becoming more popular to the extent where their occurrence is “normal” and becoming more socially acceptable especially, youth demographic. Adolescents have been known to be very poor at assessing hazards and are overly optimistic on their ability to avoid putting themselves in situations that make them feel threatened. Yet a significant barrier adolescents seem to have a problem with is peer pressure because they are just beginning to learn about who they are, and what their belief systems are. They can be easily influenced, especially if they have a strong desire to fit into certain groups, and they are becoming more and more