
Dry Brushing History

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It almost sounds painful, or kinky doesn't it? Trust me, it is neither. Possibly kinky, that is is outside the scope of this article. Regarding dry brushing and kinky, you are on your on! Beyond thought, let me tell you about dry brushing. What is the History of Dry Brushing? From ancient times many cultures realize the healing benefits of dry brushing. The Chinese traditional method uses with the dried fruit fibers of Chinese Silk Squash. Cherokee and Comanche Indian traditions use dried corn cobs use to remove dead skin. In Japanese tradition, the process uses a loofah and slightly rough wash cloth. The Finnish historically and continue to use birch branch twigs, gently hitting the skin to remove dead skin. In ancient Greece, metal spatulas used on the body to remove dead skin. In Ayurveda, the practice is known as …show more content…

Through the pores of the skin, elimination of excess water, salts and toxins occurs. When clogging of the pores hinders detoxification of the body , this results in potential adverse conditions. Often times, the skin is nutrient deficient or 'damaged. This causes unhealthy conditions to often be first recognizable in the condition of the skin. There are other benefits to realized from detoxing the skin: Nourishment of the skin - delivery of essential nutrients stimulates the flow of blood and lymph, throughout the body promoting detoxification and increased health and vibrant skin. As well, the skin becomes soft and supple. Toning of the Body – through the process of dry brushing toning of the muscles and tissues through more even distribution of fatty deposits. Tightening of Skin – By increasing blood flow, realization of young and graceful skin is possible. Cellulite Reduction or Removal – with dry brushing, cellulite diminishes potentially disappearing completely. More Attractive Skin – brushing removes dead, flaky skin resulting in more attractive skin and healthier

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