
E. Rölvaag's Use Of Imagery In Giants In The Earth

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Imagery is word or words, either figurative or literal, used to describe sensory experience or object perceived by sense. Imagery is used to help make the story come alive and O. E. Rölvaag does this very well. In Giants in the Earth he uses imagery to bring to live everything from the trolls that follow Beret to the night sky that closes in on them. The first example of the use of imagery is when the author describes fire. Per Hansa has lost the trail of his friends, but he is able to find them due to a recent fire he finds at a campground. He describes it as fresh for the smell of ashes was hanging in the air. With the smoke stinging his eyes, readers are reminded of a campfire during the middle of summer and the smell of smoke sticking to them. While Per Hansa is off hunting for the trail, the dark night closes in on Beret. The author gives us the image that the night frightens Beret; it starts to consume the family and their wagon as they travel. This image of the darkness closing in strengthens the idea of loneliness out on the plain which marks the beginning of Beret losing her mind. As Beret struggles with the night, Per Hansa finds the fire which he believes to be the guiding light. …show more content…

The children are playing on a hill and they stumble upon the grave. At the time nobody thinks anything of it until Per Hansa starts to be haunted by the idea of what the grave could mean. The author writes that the thought gave his heart chills and stopped him in his tracks. This gives the image that Per Hansa is scared of messing up what could be his dream. Despite his fears, Per Hansa begins the building of his house. The imagery of his house is that of a castle. His house is to be white with green cornices and he will have a barn as red as blood with white cornices like snow. With this description the reader sees a house like a palace in the middle of the open

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