
Early Autumn Langston Hughes

Decent Essays

Imagine seeing someone again for the first time in a few years and thinking they feel the same way about you, but they do not. Well, in the short, fiction story “Early Autumn” by Langston Hughes, the main character, Mary had this happen to her. One afternoon, she was walking around and saw a former friend whom she had not seen in several years. Mary recognized that she still loves him and wants to stay in contact and try to meet up with him again. But unfortunately, Bill, her love, did not feel the same way and they ended up getting separated. Mary did not handle the conflict well, make progress, or move beyond the conflict in the story. The conflict is between Bill and Mary because she sees him for the first time in a while and she realizes she has feelings for him. Unfortunately, Bill does not feel the same way, and it causes some conflict. Mary was walking around in the city and saw Bill. She called for him and talked to him. Bill did not recognize …show more content…

Mary stayed the sad, lonely person she was. She could not get over the fact that she still loved Bill. She did not get over Bill. She stayed with her family, she thought she loved and she stayed the same person. In the story it said, “Then she remembered that she had forgotten to give him her address--or to ask him for his-- or tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill, too” (pg. 8). Mary even named her son Bill, which even explains that she was clearly in love with him still. Mary never moved beyond the conflict. In conclusion, Mary never moved beyond the conflict, made progress, or handled the conflict well. She remained the languishing person she was from beginning to the end. Bill did not even recognize her and he never felt the same way. Mary ended up marrying a man she never loved and she named her son Bill. She is still that cheerless person now. Do not be afraid to tell someone something because you may never get the chance to tell them

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