
Early Repolarization Pattern (ERP) Essay

Decent Essays


Early repolarization pattern (ERP) is an enigmatic common electrocardiographic (ECG) finding,occurring in 1% to 2% of the general population (1). ERP prevalence is decreasing with advancing age (2) This ECG pattern is frequently observed in healthy persons,particularly young,male (3,4,5), athletic (6,7), and of African-American origin (4,5,6,7,8).On the 12-lead ECG the ERP is characterized as “notching” or “slurring” of the terminal portion of the R wave and beginning of the ST-segment that produces a positive hump known as J wave. The J wave is a deflection with a dome that appears immediately after the end of QRS complex followed by ST-segment elevation ≥ 0.1 mV (or 1 mm, varying from 1 to 4 mm) above isoelectric line …show more content…

These authors proposed three subtypes:
Type 1: ERS observed predominantly in the lateral precordial leads, prevalent among healthy male athletes and rarely seen in IVF survivors; Type 2: ERS predominantly in the inferior or inferolateral leads and associated with a higher level of risk; Type 3: ERS globally in the inferior, lateral, and right precordial leads and associated with the highest level of risk for development of malignant arrhythmias.Type 3 is often associated with IVF storms.
Short-QT syndrome is described as a disorder characterized by abbreviated QT interval, ventricular and atrial arrhythmias,and sudden cardiac death (22)
Recent studies supported an association between short QT syndrome and early repolarization. The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of ER and its relationship with the QTc interval in healthy subjects


Study Population

This study included 80 healthy participants with early repolarization ECG (n=40) and normal ECG (n=40) . Study population matched one-to-one according to age and gender. Briefly, in addition to undergoing Standard resting 12-lead electrocardiography, the subjects completed a questionnaire regarding their health habits, known diseases, and medications. None of the participants were using medications. All patients

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