
Early Voting Persuasive Essay

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Donald Trump campaign are seizing on the FBI news and have launched an “Change-your-vote” effort to encourage voters to take advantage of their state’s election laws and have a do-over.

Trump’s social media director, Dan Scavino posted on Twitter a tweet targeting Hillary Clinton supporters who have voted for the Democratic candidate in battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota are able rescind their ballot for a redo ballot to vote for Trump. It is also a outreach strategy the Trump team is taking advantage of the election law in several of those states that many few people know about.


The tweet included phone numbers of the four election officials …show more content…

According to Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, more than 370,000 since Monday have cast their ballots, double the amount in 2012.

Wisconsin allows absentee voters to change their ballots as many as three times before Election Day and can either request a new mail-in ballot before November 3 or complete a new in-person ballot before November 5. As of Monday, over half a million people cast their ballot, according to the Wisconsin Election Commission.

In Michigan, absentee voters can change their ballots by requesting a new ballot before November 7. As of Monday, over 725,000 ballots have been received by election clerks, an 19 percent increase from 2012, according to the Michigan Secretary of State’s office.

Pennsylvania doesn’t have early voting, but allows those who have voted absentee to change their mind by voting in person on Election Day. However, eligibility for an absentee ballot is only granted to applicants that are deployed members of the military, Pennsylvanian attending out-of-state colleges, individuals with illnesses or disabilities, and those who will be away on Election Day.

So far there is no figure to determine how many people have switched their original cast

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