
Earth Day By Atticot Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

“Earth Day” by atticot and manning states “Americans use about 69 million tons of paper and paperboard every each year”. Thus we are destroying the earth. Like it says in the article think of a world without plants or animals how would you survive the answer is you can't so please recycle and protect the planet earth! I really think we should be protecting the earth because the earth gave us a home a life a place to live it did all of that for us, but we hurt the earth when we should be protecting it. If that's not enough to make you want to help the earth well think about this the text states in earth day by aicot and manning “It takes a million years to break down a bottle in a landfill”. Do you think it's fair that generation that were not even alive yet half to deal with your bottle that you just could not recycle and now it is harming them? However this planet deserves a protector if you could just help the plant now it could potentially save millions of people later. If you still aren't feeling quilt for that bottle you just put in the garbage and not recycling then how about plastic the text states in earth day by aticod and manning “In 2012, the us produced 32 million tons of plastic only 9%was recovered for recycling”. Look i get it you're being like …show more content…

However you are simply just wrong! If they dont care its cause we don't care we need to show them we care and it is a problem a big one actually The text states in earth day by davis “gaylord nelson died on july 2005 but his contribution will as younger generations continue to fight to preserve the environment”. If one person could inspire generations to come then this means that if we all worked together then we could conveins the politics and save are

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