The easiest place to get lost is within our own mind. As a thinker, I often find my mind flooded with many different thoughts. Nonetheless, it is a good thing that my mind is flooded. Whether it be thinking about the next move I will make on the basketball court or thinking about what color will coordinate well with another on a poster or even thinking about the answer to a test question, I always find myself thinking. I enjoy contemplating about the world and everything around me. I love to try and figure out why things happen the way they do. Why is it that some things are the way they are versus other things being completely different? I find it very interesting to just think about common day objects and how they came to be. For example, …show more content…
I like to know why it is that certain things happen the way they do and how is it they do what they do. As an intellectual explorer, I spend a lot of time trying to figure out and answer the why and how questions instead of just accepting the fact and moving on. The idea of the unknown and not knowing bothers me as a thinker, but it also intrigues me. I use a lot of time thinking about the future and what it will be like. The future can basically be defined as the unknown of what is to come. I think about where my life is going to take me and what my future is going to be like. The unknown is my worst nightmare because I cannot give a certain reason to it, but instead have to just wait and see what happens. I love to think. Thinking is very relaxing to me and I like the idea of trying to make sense of everything that goes on around me. As a thinker and intellectual explorer, I am a person who likes to have definite answers and explanations. Other people may not think this way however. This is what makes thinking and thoughts in general so interesting. Our thoughts are one of the few things that are completely our
I think that thinking is better than doing because if you just do something then you could harm your future and just doing something without thinking can get you into a lot of trouble. If I had to choose if I wanted to be a person who just does or "intellectual" I would be intellectual. The reason for that is because if I did something without thinking I would have consequences and then that would mess up my future.
Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S.M. (2010). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Beliefs, attitudes and values are three little words that have and make a massive impact on who we are as individuals, who we are as people, and even how the world is viewed by ourselves and others. A belief is something that individuals or groups think, such as believing in a god. Where a Value would be the living life in the ways a religion expects, this value will be made from the belief that the person or group has in their God. The attitude towards this would be the feelings, beliefs and behaviour tendencies towards this, for example praying, reading the holy book,
In order to find oneself it’s necessary to lose oneself. Being surrounded by nature can give a sense of being lost and there is comfort in that for me. Sometimes i begin to lose myself when I’m around other people too often or I get stuck in the daily grind of life. When the mind is jammed with information all the time it becomes difficult to remember what the end goal is, being alone allows me to bring everything back together. There are two types of feelings of being lost and they come from different locations, the ocean and the mountains. Being lost in the mountains gives the feeling of vastness and the realization that people are so small compared to the rest of the world. There are points when I’m out hiking I decide to sit down, take
Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. (Critical thinking community, n.d.)
Think deeply! Think and keep thinking. Still, not everyone who thinks or thinks deeply is actually critical thinking. You can be highly intelligent or have vast knowledge but that doesn’t mean that you can think critically. Using intelligence and knowledge to reach one’s rationale viewpoint and objective in what a critical thinker does. The opinions and beliefs of a critical thinker stand on firmer ground. Better decisions and problems solving are more credible and supported by reasons and facts instead of false information and statements.
I explored on shadowing and drawing in one point perspective for buildings, as well as shadows for the street lights. The risk taking I did was shadowing everything and adding value to it, as I wasn’t very sure I would do a good job on adding value to buildings. I used my creativity and expressed my artistic voice by adding street lights onto the sidewalks instead of leaving them bare and made the sky at night time instead at sunset or the afternoon, as I usually prefer night time over day time. I used a reference for drawing the street lights as I wasn’t sure if I should use a normal looking one or one that looked fancy, so I mixed the two and made the street light that I currently have. I noticed that not many people made their artwork set during night time, so I feel that doing that, as well as adding smaller details on my drawing made it stand out.
It is always beneficial to ask questions because I might not comprehend how to something and I don’t want to mess it up. It is better to ask rather than do something wrong and get yelled at. Being reflective is another one of my strengths. I usually think about what I do over and over again, especially what I convey.
Elaine demonstrated clear, insightful critical analysis in her initial posting. She states, In the opening paragraph, the writer uses “rational principles” (Paul & Elder, 2016, p. 15). Discussing how descriptive statistics and using facts helps the original document concreate information to the reader.
Poldma dissects the Interior Design one element at a time. Her book will assist with the research
In reading for this assignment, I noticed that one of the first points had to do with thinking critically. On pg 4 the author states “This means examining the assumptions that form the basis of our ideas and ways of behaving.” This point means that as products of our environment, we (those who make up society) must become more aware of all of the values, beliefs, and behaviors we have adopted or passed onto each other, and understand where it stems from. In the beginning, the text gives an example of the United States being based on a system of civil rights, and questioning the outcome of an alternative system: a society that instead values human rights. This is important because it shows how much our country emphasizes certain concepts over others.
Team 2’s Operational Approach for the Exercise was comprehensive, involved detailed planning, and exercised creative and critical thinking techniques. Team 2 did an extraordinary job in gathering the information, analyzing data, and framing the problem to present a holistic approach towards the Operational Art and Design for USPACOM CONPLAN 55XX. To assess Team 2’s critical/creative thinking practices the three following criteria were used: acceptability, feasibility, and risks. These three criteria will verify Team 2’s perspectives, address any false-minded biases, and challenge their rational in framing the problem.
While reading Defining Critical Thinking I have found out that Critical Thinking is a mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker imposes intellectual standards upon them. What this means is that you raise questions upon that subject in which you ask relevant questions that will effectively evaluate the solution upon the complex problem. I have also determined that people who think critically consistently attempt to live reasonable lives due to their strive to improve the world in any way they can. Also Critical Thinkers do not have a destination to be reached they proceed to improve their reasoning abilities since their reasoning abilities will always be put into question by human irrationality. Additionally Critical Thinkers recognize these dilemmas and commit themselves to deal with the society and practice toward self-improvement by doing this Critical Thinkers are able to live a reasonable life. I have also learned what makes a well cultivated critical thinker. To be a cultivated critical thinker, you need to
I often get lost in thought, those questions of, why I’m here and what is the meaning of life are examples of questions that I ask myself almost once a day. It might sound like I’m a philosopher figuring out the universe, but I often feel like a prisoner to my own mind. I had a moment in my life where I thought I lost all control, in sixth grade I faced severe anxiety, it was difficult to think let alone attend
When defining the term “critical thinking” it can seem overwhelming and daunting, especially for young learners. In laments terms, you are teaching your student how to think for him or herself when it comes to problem solving. Instead of giving the student the answer, you give them the tools to discover the answer him/herself. Critical thinking is an important component of any classroom. No matter the age group, these skills stay with a child for the rest of his or her life. As a teacher, it is important to understand what critical thinking pertains to and how to structure part of your lesson plan around developing critical thinking skills.