
Eat, Pray, Love By Elizabeth Gilbert

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Title America is a wonderful country with endless opportunities for it’s citizen. This comes at the price of living in a brain washed society. The novel “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert shows how the thoughts and actions of Americans are those of the past generations. The traditional stories about love and romance are misleading to the realities of the world. Americans are taught to ignore problems and feelings instead of dealing with the issue. Finding and understanding one’s inner self is among the many checkpoints in an American’s life. With finding out who they are, Americans are also compelled to label everything in life including their faith. This book provides a visual of how influenced the American individual is because of the traditions that are continuously passed down. One of the most important philosophies in American culture and in this book is that of love. From the start of all American’s lives they are taught the idea of finding a true love or soul mate. Many of America’s traditional stories, songs, and plays contain some romantic aspect to them. Americans have the tendency to treat love as if it is a material object that they can tangibly hold; however, love is a feeling that cannot be held or seen, only felt. The story deals with different experiences involving love and Liz’s journey to find it. Just like Liz, many Americans believe they have found their soul mate only to have the relationship fall apart. People are left crushed after a break up

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