There are so many people who are suffering from obesity and so many who have health problems and sadly sometimes if it’s not taken care of, then the person could end up dying. There has been many issues that people have that usually come from a certain food that they have ate. Sometimes they just can’t eat good and this causes them to have bad effects on their body and their body system. Other times people decide to eat too much and this could cause them to have eating disorders as well. This paper is to investigate the health issue that causes people to have diabetic problems and also the problem with many people becoming obese. There will be many information given from articles that will be used as resources throughout this paper. This paper …show more content…
Well there is quite a list, but these are the biggest ones; Blindness, amputation, Kidney Failure, Heart Attacks, and Strokes. For food to cause this much pain on someone is very serious and people should change their ways of eating. First off losing your vision could be painful for someone who enjoys the view of life, but now is suffering due to having diabetes. Also having heart attacks is very dangerous, because sometimes that heart attack can lead to that person’s death. Another thing that people who have diabetes usually go through being tired too much or fatigue. Of course one solution for diabetes is exercising! When you exercise your body works better and let’s the sugar turn into your body’s fuel more easier and let’s you become more healthy. Also another thing that diabetic people go through is feeling dehydrated and thirsty all the time, and obviously the solution for this is drinking purified healthy water. Water is one of the healthiest things you can drink to help your health. Obesity is also another big health problem that people have, and the worst part is, that even young children can go through this. What exactly is obesity then? Is it …show more content…
People may experience back or joint pain. Also common experiences are overweight, binge eating, fatigue, pot belly, and snoring. Each year obesity-related conditions cost over 150 billion dollars and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the US. Being overweight causes high blood pressure because the more you weigh, the more blood that needs to supply oxygen and nutrients to your body. Almost 90% of people living with type 2 diabetes are obese. Obesity can also put you at a very high risk of developing cancer, heart disease, joint problems, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, and psychological disadvantages. The big and main reason for obesity is the lack of exercise or overeating. Ten out of 12 people in the U.S are obese because of the food they eat, little to no exercise, and continue eating. Dieting is a reason people are obese because the amount of energy that goes into a human body has to balance the amount that goes out. No matter what that person’s genetic vulnerability is, either lowering the food intake or increasing the energy output, it will lower the energy stored as fat. Exercise is really important for human’s
Obesity can lead to a number of different health issues, one of the least deadly but most popular is high blood pressure. One half of Americans aged 55-64 have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stoke- and two in five are obese according to Health, United States 2005(Obesity, High Blood Pressure). High blood pressure is an increase in the amount of blood your heart is pushing through the body with every heartbeat. The increase in pressure thickens the heart muscle, which makes it work harder, while as the heart, muscle thickens the harder it is to contract and relax. This strain on the heart over time could lead to heart failure. High blood pressure is a very common effect obesity has on the body simply because the more a person weighs the blood is being pushed throw the body. Of course, there are medications that can lower high blood pressure, although losing weight for an obese person with high blood pressure is a more recommended remedy. With high blood pressure, there is a far more likelihood of having a heart attack.
Obesity is defined as an accumulation of excessive fat that impairs a person health or a body mass index (BMI) that greater than or equal 30 (WHO, 2012). Childhood obesity is a major public health epidemic in which the prevalence has doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the United States over the past three decades with the highest prevalence in Blacks, Hispanics and Native American children and the number is
Consumption of the wrong foods and no exercise cause obesity to step into the lives of many within America but on the other side of fence, complicated reasoning can run behind factors that hold a place with the individual’s overall characteristics, attitude, genetics tendencies and environment. The Effectiveness of obesity is the medical cost that takes place treat individuals that experience obesity; this increases the family expenses and causes
According to Harvard Health Publications (11-12), the causes of obesity are interrelated. By understanding how these various factors interrelate and eventually how they cause obesity, we can be able to draw a conclusion whether the problem of being overweight is as a result of our own fault or it is a problem that people do not have control over. The factors that interact with one another and result in one person being overweight compared to another include; genetics and the person’s weight, influences from the external environment, physical inactivity and the behaviors that have been learned by a person.
In the United States, Obesity is one of the most common physical features for both men and women. Obesity has become one of America’s main health crisis, due to poor eating habits along with lack of exercise leads the cause of obesity. Many people do not participate in sports activities or is capable of working out every day. In result, their body is not able to lose the amount of calories of the harmful food. This debate consist of rather it is lack of exercise, or the most popular subject too much fast food. Majority of obese people are known for eating out a lot and not being aware of the amount times they eat.
Another risk of obesity is hypertension. “Obese persons have an approximately five to six times greater risk of developing hypertension than lean people”. Hypertension places a person at risk for stroke, heart attack, or organ failure. Most people with hypertension must also take daily medications. In 1995, the direct cost of obesity related hypertension was $3.23 billion. The indirect costs have not been measured.
The reasons for the rise of obesity in Americans today are the poor nutritional choices and the lack of physical activity in their everyday life. In this day in age, our generation is built around convenience. We are all after a quick fix, and that includes a drive-thru window at the local fast food restaurant on our way to and from work. Other causes of this health issue can be traced to a number of other factors including specific genetic traits that may convey metabolic predisposition, behavioral factors, and environmental circumstances. (Hindle, 2012) All of these shortcuts and contributing factors come at a cost. They have a long-term effect on your health.
Obesity is the terminology used when an individual has too much body fat. Obesity occurs over time when people eat more calories than they use. The balance between calories in and calories out differs from person to person. Other factors that might affect a person’s weight include their genetic susceptibility, overeating, eating high fat foods, and lack of physical active. Being obese increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. Although, the attention of the health profession, the media, and mass educational campaigns about the benefits of healthier diets and increased physical activity, the prevalence of obesity in the United States has doubled over the past three decades. In the United States obesity
In U.S. and in other nation's health care is one of the biggest issues in the world. One of the major issues in health care is obesity, which is ascending day by day. Obesity is a condition of excessive body fat, which has side effects on our lifestyles.
Obesity is a growing problem in America. There are many reasons obesity is growing rapidly such as genetics, physical inactivity, nutrition, medications, diseases, and psychological factors, just to name a few. Something that does not come to mind when speaking about obesity is genetics. But believe it or not, genetics does play a role in obesity just like other causes aforementioned above. Because obesity is a growing problem in America, it is important to understand and act upon its many causes, helping put an end to the sicknesses and deaths derived from it. Many would assume obesity is a result of poor eating habits and lack of exercise, but genetics also play into the issue. This essay will discuss two types of obesity which
Obesity is determined on genes. It can shorten life expectancy and can form into major health problems. “Obesity affects every aspect of people’s lives, from health to relationships.”(Jane Velez-Mitchell) Since new technology is being invented constantly, it is making life very easy for people. We no longer walk everywhere because we have a lot of transportation, we shop online and only occasionally drive to the store, and we don’t even have to get up to turn on the lights or the television! Technology is doing everything for us. Less and less people are being active. That’s why obesity is so popular in
“The American Medical Association has classified obesity a disease, defining obesity as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) measure above 30 (AMA).” They also stated that, “disease occurs when the body cannot accept the challenge of the environment and begins to malfunction”(AMA). The Webster dictionary defines obesity as a disease declaring, “an impairment of the normal state that modifies the performance of the vital functions, and is a response to environmental factors” (Webster Dictionary).
Just what is obesity? Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity occurs when a person’s weight is far above their ideal body weight. The root cause of obesity is widely debated. An inactive lifestyle, environment, genetics, family history, health conditions, medicines, emotional factors, age, pregnancy, and lack of sleep are many factors that can contribute towards obesity. Many times we can find multiple overlaying factors, for example, we may see a family history of obesity, along with an inactive lifestyle all while in an environment that reinforces overindulgence.
Our life is something that is so precious. Every choice we make impacts our life wether it be physically or mentally. When we choose to make poor life choices, it will reflect on us as individuals. Poor choices in what we consumed or how active we are will lead to a life that can lead to an early death. Obesity is an epidemic health problem that has been one of the leading causes to death. The disease itself causes sever health conditions as well as mental health one wants to become obese, but in today’s society we have been given the perfect recipe that will land us in a fight for our life. Obesity is not something that simply happens, but a lifetime of poor choices. We must discover the source of obesity and attack the health issue from the primary leading factors. We start with the source in order to help improve the lives of people everywhere who are battling this disease, as well as those who are predisposed to a higher chance of developing it.
Obesity has become a growing issue in the recent years and its increasing trend is now referred to as a ‘pandemic’ by many researchers and scientists. With a £3.2 billion currently estimated cost of overweight and obesity to the NHS, one can understand the growing interest in this matter. This essay is going to discuss the bad effects of obesity on people, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers and type-2 diabetes. Then, this essay will talk about the causes, and how junk food and bad diet can cause obesity. The causes of obesity are lack of exercise or inactivity and genetic genes as according to (Ebbeling, et al, (2002)), obesity can be caused due to genes, which is an unpreventable cause. Finally, this essay will give solutions for these causes and recommend some methods to prevent obesity.